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I stand under the water with my face tilted upwards towards the shower head. My eyes are closed and I'm holding my breath. I'm trying to see if I can drown myself. How long are you able to hold your breath before your body makes you breathe? It's impossible to not breathe. Eventually, your body panics and forces you to gasp for air. If you're not in the middle of a large body of water or you don't have something holding yourself under, it's your body's natural reaction to save you. I've thought about this a lot recently. About what it must feel like to drown. To be stuck in a situation where you're surrounded by water and you're unable to get out.

He was terrified of water. Though he did fine in showers and with washing his hands, any large body of water sent him into hysterics. Baths were the worse. I remember asking him if he wanted to take one with me as a romantic gesture. That was the first time I realized he had the phobia. He went on an entire rant demanding I answered why I would even ask him that. His rant turned into angry tears before he started to hyperventilate. I spent an hour getting him to calm down before he filled me in on the horror story that crafted the fear.

His family was always a shit show. Upon first meeting the different members, I never understood why they were all so standoffish anytime I would have to be around any of them. His mom was in prison. His father was on the run. One of his older brothers was in a psychiatric ward while the other moved to Japan and stopped associating with the rest of his family. My baby included.

His parents were very abusive to them. They had punishments that most would consider to be cruel and immoral. One of those punishments was submerging the boys under bath water whenever they "misbehaved." My baby never took baths after he got away from them. He explained it took him a long time to feel safe even showering. Something that admired me though about him was his ability to share his story through his music. He found a way to use music as a crutch for his healing process. The fame was his downfall.

I step out of the water gasping. I bend down at my waist, resting my hands against my knees as I pant heavily. I open my eyes and stare at the tiles beneath my feet. The water from my hair falls against my eyelashes blurring my gaze as I tune into the noise of the water. It pelts against my back as the glass door to the shower starts to open. I lift my gaze up to see him sliding into the shower with me.

I straightened up and turned my body to face him, unable to help my grin as I saw him looking at me with a bright smile. "Mm~ I love a naked Jason."

I chuckled softly, wrapped my arms around his waist, and pulled him close to me, allowing the water to fall down on both of us. "And a naked Jason loves his baby."

I leaned down and pressed my lips to his. He kissed me back deeply, his hands lifting up to rest on my chest as I held his body close to mine. He tipped his head to the side as his hand slid lower down my waist, his fingers prodding slyly along my happy trail. I grinned softly against his lips as I let out a murmur, "What're you doing?"

"Nothing~" He purred softly as his fingers slid up my abs once again. He kissed me again while his fingers continued to move along my waist. It was our anniversary and I was grateful to actually get to spend the day with him. It was my only day off in weeks and with how both of our schedules were, days where we could spend together entirely alone never seemed to match up. It made holidays such as that one even more special.

I felt the excitement coming off of my baby the moment we woke up. He was all over me, way more than he usually was. I woke up to him having made my favorite breakfast, avocado toast with an over-easy egg and a glass of orange juice. It was cute to watch him insist I stayed in bed as he brought the meal to me, clearly impressed with his work as he laid the tray over my lap. He sat on the edge of the bed as I ate, simply holding small talk with me until I finished and he ushered me to get into the shower while he cleaned up. It was nice to see him so happy as the day usually provoked another emotion out of him.

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