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I sit on the bed my eyes staring at the ugly garden painting hanging above the tv. My eyes take in the various colors that look just as muted as the rest of the room. The gold frame holding it up mixes in with the tones of the artwork itself. This entire room blends into one tone.

How dull.

He would've complained the whole time.

"We can do so much better, daddy."

"I refuse to have you staring at these drabby ass walls. It's going to stunt your creativity."

"I will only have sex in the finest of places. This just messes up the whole mood."

"To think this was a cute decoration. The nerve of those cunts."

He always had an eye for great decor. He had an eye for great everything. Except for people.

My poorly charged phone buzzes on my lap causing my eyes to look down and read the tiny message.

From Luka:

I'm here

My eyes stare at the screen for a minute before my fingers numbly type a response.

To Luka:

rm 345

I set the phone back onto my desk and glance around the room. It's a mess. It seems to get worse the longer I stay here. The maid comes in on occasion to replace my towels and pick up some of the mess, but I always assure the rest I'll take of myself. I can't bring myself to leave this place. Though I'm sure the bill is breaking my pockets with all the added purchases they'll probably tacking on, I feel safe here. I don't have to interact with anyone I know. I don't have to hear apology after apology about what happened to my baby. People aren't constantly in my face trying to do things for me or trying to lift my mood. It's just me in here. Just me, my bottle, and my thoughts.

A knock at the door pressures me to lift up from the spot on my bed. I glance through the peephole seeing the angle of an up pointed forehead barely covered by a tussle of blonde hair. I open the door and am met with a pair of green eyes. His gaze travels over my half covered body, a grin forming onto his lips. I step out of the way to allow him to enter the room, closing the door behind me as I turn to face him.

"You've requested something different." He speaks causally as he enters the room. I watch his back as his head moves to take in the place. He turns to look at me with an unreadable expression. "You're absolutely positive you want this?"

My eyes take in his appearance. His feet are encased in a pair of tight black boots, the shoe blending their way up into his jeans. Tight black leather that hugs the curves of his body, leaving little to the imagination. His shirt squeezes against his skin just as tightly, a short sleeved baby blue v-neck that's showing off the imprint of his nipple piercings. His neck up is decked out in golden accessories as a solid black backpack hangs from his shoulder.

I nod my head. "I'm sure."

His eyes glance around the mess of a room before he sets his bag down on an arm chair. His eyes glance over the envelope lying on the table beside it as he instead steps his way over to me. He looks up at me, my body towering over his as he leans in. His nose brushes against my bare chest before he closes his eyes and inhales deeply. I shift my gaze to the ceiling as I let out a shaky exhale focusing in on the feeling of his hands as he places them onto my burning skin. "You showered already. As to be expected." His hands slide up my chest and cup my face tugging it down to look at him. "I'll ask one more time. You're positive this is what you want? This is new for us."

Hotel Ceiling [BoyxBoy]Where stories live. Discover now