11. Death Eater Mark

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"They dont know how she died... that is weird," Jane said as they sat eating breakfast. The news of a death in the girl's bathroom was broke before they started eating. They did not know the reason for death. Marilyn felt strange about the topic but decided to push it away. Tom eyed Marilyn watching if she remembered anything but she did not.

The year went by quickly. With Marilyn and Toms meeting in the room of requirements from time to time and Marilyn and her friends hanging out. There was only one week before the summer break and the owls and newts where done. Marilyn sat with Tom in the Room of Requirements. Marilyn had Tom's button-up shirt on and one of her shoulders was exposed as Tom was without a shirt on the couch. Marilyn was reading a book peacefully as Tom watched her.

"Marilyn?" Tom said and the girl hummed for him to continue. "I want to give you the death eater mark," He said. He wanted to have her by his side always, that is why he wanted to give her the mark. She looked up at him. She knew what it was. All of Tom's "friends" had it. The people that had it was hated ad feared in school. They were not nice. "Tom... no" She said softly. Even her parents knew what that was. Sadly, Tom did not take no to an answer. He took her hand harshly and took his wand out. "Tom, stop," Marilyn said but he did not. She watched him say the spell and watched the black ink appear on her skin while she begged for Tom to stop.

It was done, the mark was there. She started panicking. "Tom, take it back! Tom!" She screamed as tears welled up in her eyes. She started rubbing her arm like it would take it away. Tom watched her, realizing what he did. "How could you?" She said looking at him and her first tears went down her cheeks. Tom took a step back. "Marilyn..." He said but the girl would not look at him. "I know you... you would not do that... not my Tom," She said as she continued to scrape her arm.

"You know nothing about me," Tom said, not knowing why he did what he did. He should not have done that... he felt guilt wash over him. "w-why" The girl cried and broke in cries. He did not think it would have such a big effect on her but it did. Tom walked to the closet and put a shirt on. He walked out, first time... he was scared of what he can do. He could not watch her cry because of him... yet again.

The girl was left alone crying. She scraped her hand so much it started bleeding. She tried to convince herself that Tom would not do that. It was not him. It could not have been. It was not the Tom she knew. She walked to the bed and lied down. She curled in a ball and cried herself to sleep, with ugly big cries.

She woke up the next day. She left numb, she felt so much pain that she was numb. She took her clothes on and made her hair. She did not look into a mirror because she completely hated herself then. She covered her arm with her shirt and took a deep breath before going to breakfast. She sat down and ate her breakfast. She did not say a word to her friends or Tom. She did not even look at Tom. Which made the guilt eat Tom even more up.

"Marilyn, are you okay?" Jane asked concerned at the lunch. Jane and Alex have been worrying about Marilyn since breakfast, so did Tom but he did not have the courage to ask her if she was okay. Marilyn looked at her friend. She faked a smile and nodded. "Yes, of course, I was just really tired when I woke up and I had a really bad nightmare," Marilyn said. Guilt has eating Tom alive so much. "Oh, okay, I was scared that someone did something to you," Jane said and smiled.

"I'm okay now," Marilyn said as she pushed her friend's shoulder slightly. "Now, a butterbeer would be nice after classes," Alex said and Jane nodded. "Sure," Marilyn said and ate her food. After classes, they changed and walked to the Hogsmeade. They talked and laughed, but Marilyn still felt numb and empty. She did not understand how someone who she loved so dearly could do that to her.

They sat down in the bar. It was warm so Marilyn took off her jacket, which was a mistake. Jane gasped as she saw Marilyn's hand. "What?" Alex asked Jane. She just pointed at Marilyn's arm. Alex dropped his butterbeer. They looked at her. "You... you became a monster" Jane said in disgust. Marilyn looked at them panicked. "Jane- it is not what it seems," She said trying to grab Janes arm. "Do not touch me... you know what they do! How can you! You know that I am muggle-born and Alex is half-blood and them... they want to kill witches like us" She said in pure disgust. "Dont come close to me or Alex," Jane said and dragged Alex out not bothering to drink their butterbeer done.

Marilyn looked at them. They hated her now... but she did not a choice... Tom did it. She covered her arm and walked out, leaving her butterbeer and walking to Hogwarts. She walked inside the room of requirements knowing that Tom would be there. Tom looked at her. "My friends hate me... I hate me... I hope you are happy now" She said and walked out leaving the boy guilty. He hated himself more. Knowing that she hates herself and it was his fault. Knowing that her friends hate her and it is his fault.

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