Beauty lesson 0: Prologue

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A boy came running towards the staff room and flung the door open. It was lunch time at Liliac High school. As the boy entered the staff room, he looked at the man sitting on one of the teachers’ chairs,with his mouth wide open, ready to gobble up a huge sandwich,but interrupted by the boy.

“You kids don't knock at all nowadays,” the man sneered, as he put down his sandwich and looked up. “Oh, it's you John. What's the matter, dear?” his glare changed into a sweet smile as soon as he saw John.

Mr Robin, the english teacher of Liliac high school, was eccentric but one of the most knowledgeable teachers in the school. Some even said he was the next candidate for becoming the Principal of Liliac High. Despite all his top notch education and his short temper, he was always down to earth and friendly with all students. John was one of his favourites.

“Ha, ha, ha. phew” John kept panting, gasping for air, since he ran from the cafeteria to the staffroom. 

Liliac High was an average school, with some average and some very talented students, Campus was not that huge, You could reach anywhere from the cafeteria in just ten minutes-(technically 5 min if you run). The Cafeteria was at the centre of the school 

“Sir, quickly come with me. A fight has  broken out in the cafeteria.” John informed the professor while he still kept worrying about  what must have happened in the cafeteria by now.

“Ugh. These brats. Is it her again? That second year girl,Jessica Linger, isn't it?” the professor  asked John, but it seemed as if he already knew the answer. Jessica was the daughter of Director Paul Linger, hence had little regard for rules

“ Yes sir.” John replied.

“ Tch.”Mr Robins got up as he pushed his chair back in anger. “Today, i will treat her as a student breaking the school’s rules. Let’s go John.” Mr Robins said sternly.

As they headed in the direction of the cafeteria, Mr Robins kept clenching his fists trying to control his anger, these altercations had become a daily affair

Meanwhile in the cafeteria, a huge crowd had gathered near the noodle counter. At the centre of the crowd, was a boy with brown hair,  properly trimmed, with teary blue eyes, that looked even bigger through his huge glasses. While he sat on the floor and kept looking up at Jessica with fear,

In a trembling voice he pleaded “I am very sorry. I am new to this school, Please forgive me. You can have my whole lunch!Here.” shaking timidly, he put his hands out in front of Jessica and offered her his lunch. 

Jessica Linger was  tall, she had long black hair that was neatly combed into a pony. Being super careful about how she looked, she would always have a lot of makeup on. Seeing Nathan offering her his measly lunch annoyed her  and she knocked the lunch out of his hand.

“Huh”, she scoffed. “Hey kid get up, I don't need your lunch. First, You dared to cross my path, then you dared to tip my lunch over. so now, I put you in your right place. That is at my feet. and as a punishment,you need to wash this shirt of mine, (waving the soiled shirt at him) over which you spilled  mustard. Wash it now or else..” she warned as she began opening a bottle of tomato juice.

“But I did not spill it on you,” Nathan replied in a low voice.

Jessica glared at him with anger.

Nathan flinched as he instantly blurted out “I am sorry, very sorry, I-I-I will wash it. Thoroughly. Please giv..”, and before he could complete his plea, Jessica poured the juice on his head.

“Hahahahahaha look how pitiful he looks.” she laughed,  a few girls followed Jessica and laughed along.

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