Beauty Lesson 4: Illusion Vs Reality

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“Good morning everyone! What's going on?”

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“Good morning everyone! What's going on?”

“Oh hi Nova! Good morning! Did you walk to school today?” Crista enquired.

“ Well my dear Crista, I didn't walk but rode all the way to school.

On my very own bike… yippie!” screamed Nova.

“Whoa, that's nice. How did you get permission from  Sophie and your mom?”

“ Mom and Sophie don't allow me to keep pets, so I asked for a bike and here it is!”

“Good for you girl, enjoy. By the way, will you ride your bike alone or along with somebody?” teased Crista

“No way! This bike is only for me.” Nova winked

“Where is the new guy?” asked Tyler.

“Oh yes, where is Nathan?” nova asked as they reached the classroom and sat on their seats.

Suddenly , someone comes running to the classroom.

“Nova, huff puff”, the boy was clearly out of breath.

“Calm down Stephen, sit here, have some water first. Then tell me what the matter is.”

Stephen hurriedly sipped water and exclaimed, “ the new guy, he is in trouble again,”

Nova was astonished to hear this. With anger she got up and asked sternly, “Where did you see him? Was it Jessica again?”

“Yes, Jessica is bullying him again on the  basketball court”

Nova was pissed.

“Ok. You stay here and relax. Thanks for telling us. Let’s go ty and cris,

On our way, we have to make a stop at the movie club.”

The three of them set off. Nova kept pondering 'why is Nathan being targeted again? I warned Jessica but still she is so persistent. Why Nathan though?'

She was determined to stop Jessica once and for all

At  the basketball court, Nathan was sitting down with his head between his knees. A group of girls surrounded him. Laughing, Jessica warned him,

"Hey you wimp, call your mama. Tell her to get her a$$ down here. If she has the guts."

In a trembling voice he replied, “no I won't.”

Jessica raised an eyebrow, "oho what do we have here? The wimp is talking back? Well, let’s see how much you can rebel hahahaha”

 She poured ice water on Nathan's head.

The three of them just reached the scene as nova shouted "stop this nonsense, Jessica! Nathan, get up. Ty please help him”

Tyler approached Nathan, helping him get up. Poor Nathan was drenched and kept sneezing.

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2020 ⏰

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