Beauty Lesson 3: Just A Dream?

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“Mrs.Maples, Nova is sleeping in her room. You should go and check on her once, I feel”, Sophie advised.

“Sophie, know your limits, do not teach me what I should do. I am her mother.” Mrs Maples replied angrily.

“But ma’am-” Sophie stopped as Mrs Maples gestured to her in annoyance. After a short pause, Mrs Maples headed out.

‘She left’, Nova thought to herself as she overheard the whole conversation.

‘Mom why did you leave me alone? Do you hate me? I needed your support at times like these, I am scared. Can you give me strength?’ Nova whispered to herself as tears welled up in her eyes. She quietly went inside her room and curled up in her bed, but couldn’t sleep a wink.

After some time the phone rang, Nova heard Sophie picking it up.


Oh hi Crista, how are you dear?

She is ok, resting in her room.

Didn’t you go to school?

Oh you were unwell, I see. I hope you are ok now.

Well, the same thing happened today. It's too stressful for Miss Nova. She is mentally exhausted, She needs a warm shoulder to cry on. Unfortunately, Mrs.Maples is quite busy preparing for Miss Maria's baby shower.

Yes I know. Can you and Tyler come visit her tomorrow? She will definitely feel better.

Thanks Crista, you are such a sweetheart. Take care and take your cold medicine on time. Bye.”

Sophie hung up the phone.

Nova thought to herself ‘thanks to you both.’ it was a  relief for her. She dozed off with tear tracks visible on her cheeks.

"Good Night Miss", Sophie whispered while gently patting Nova's head.

" Miss Nova, this too shall pass. You will always have me with you." 

Sophie then tucked her in and quietly closed the door behind her.

Nova touched her head and whispered 'thank you, for your warmth' as she slept with a slight smile on her face.

The next morning:


“Miss Nova, I have to go out to buy some groceries, I’ll be back soon. Call me on my cell if you need anything”, informed Sophie from outside Nova’s room.

  A few minutes later the phone rang. Nova went to recieve it.


"Hello Nova" a stern voice said

"Mom? You called me?"

" How are you?"

I am ok Mom. I am so glad you called."

 Stop it. I have a lot of things to do. Go to your sister's room and check if the yellow dress I bought is still there. If it is there i'll come pick it up.

Nova froze for a second. 'oh of course' she thought.

"Ok mom Bye Take ca-" Mrs Maples slammed the phone before Nova could complete her sentence.

Nova kept crying on her bed thinking , ‘nobody cares about me. Why?  Am I flawed?’

Suddenly a voice in her head mocked  'hehehe flawed? You have no qualities at all. That’s why everyone leaves you’

‘No that's not true! I have Crista ,Tyler, Sophie. They will not leave me.’

‘Hahaha you think they won't? People who are biologically programmed to love you, left you. Why would the others stay? Everyone hates you. You know why? Because you are weak, timid and a loser who can't stand up for herself. You let people bully you, You become a doormat just to please people around you.’

‘ Shut up!', Nova warned the voice in her head, ' You don't know how difficult it is for a shy person to speak to people; It's nerve wracking. Still I try my best’

‘Hehehe excuses, excuses’, the voice in her head continued, ‘only the weak give excuses.’

‘I am not weak, stop calling me that!'

‘O really? You aren't? Okay,  Then prove it... Cut yourself’ the voice in her head continued to irk Nova.

Sophie came back from the grocery store. She came inside Nova’s room and screamed, “Miss Nova! What happened? Hello 911, we need an ambulance at…’

‘Nobody loves you, you loser’

"Bye miss nova"

"We don't need a weak friend like you Nova, get lost."

'No! Tyler, Crista, Sophie, please don't go, Dont leave me alone, I have changed; I'm no longer going to be bullied, I will help people like me. I don't want anyone to go through what I went through.

Suddenly, Nova saw a dark figure ahead.

‘heh? Nathan?’

‘Supernova, stop joking. How Can you help me? In what? I don't need weak people helping me.’

‘Nathan… why-’

Don't leave, everyone please… don't… 


“Huff puff gasp ”, Nova woke up panting.

' oh, no, huff phew, just a dream. Why this dream again?' Nova thought to herself.

"Miss Nova wake up! You'll be late for school!" Sophie called out.

  "Coming Sophie!"

'Where the hell did Nathan come from?' Nova thought to herself as she brushed her teeth.

She stopped and whispered "weird" and continued brushing.

At breakfast table,

"Oh Sophie! A new guy joined school yesterday. He was being bullied by that fart queen Jessica" Nova exclaimed.

"So did you help him out?" Sophie asked as she brewed some tea.

" Ya i did, but he ish bery bery naish", Nova spoke with a mouthful

"Miss, please eat first and then speak. What is his good name? did you invite him into LOTUS?" Sophie enquired

"Yes I did. Let's see how he does, And ya his name is really good, Nathan Dews. Nice guy. I will help him to the best of my ability. Okay,  I'm done. Thanks for the breakfast!" Said Nova while she got up hurriedly and went to wear her shoes. "Don't forget to have your lunch, bye Sophie!"

"Bye Miss, take care" Sophie replied

' Wow Nathan Dews. Such a nice name. Maybe one day Nova will bring him home and introduce him as, ‘Sophie, this is my boyfriend, Nathan’”.

Aww so sweet' Sophie thought to herself.

"I hope Miss never remembers  whatever happened in middle school and stays happy" Sophie worried.

What was the incident in middle school that left such a scar on Nova's heart? Has the scar been healed now?

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