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3rd POV

"No, its gods", Thor said, stepping in front of them. 

"I found him, I found him", Tony yelled like a toddler who got his present. 

"Avengers Assemble, we found him", the soldier commanded. 

The team suited up into their suits. Steve Rogers dressed in an American flag suit with his vibranium shield. Natasha had a black cat suit with Clint at her side, bow and arrows packed. Dr. Banner he just wore his regular, but his pants & shirt could stretch to any size allowing him to change from Hulk still easily wearing clothes. Thor just wore 'Asgardian stuff' as Tony likes to say. Tony Stark wore a metal suit that could fly. 

"He was spotted at the beach and he's still there", Tony piped up ruining the moment for the heroes. 

"Shut up play boy, we are having our hero moment", Hawkeye said(AKA Clint Barton). 

The team made their way to the beach. A 18-year-old teenager sat by the shore muttering to himself and enjoying the moment. The beach was deserted as it was not open to public. 

"Wait, a sec I own this beach", Tony whispered to Clint, whom both were in the trees. 

Clint could have swore that the teenager glanced at them. Natasha and Steve made their way to the shore. Thor was in the bushes hiding. 

"Hi, I am Natalia Roland & this is my partner Steven Robinson", Natasha said. 

"Is he related to Jackie Robison?", the teenager chuckled. 

"We are not here to harm you, & no I am not related to Jack Robinson best baseball player in history"

"Now we won't harm you if you come with us", Black Widow calmly said. 

"Fine, I'll come...."

"Thanks, I-"

"If you can catch me"

With that the teenager pushed away Cap. America and ran for it. Hawkeye took his aim and released his tranquilizer arrow, and that's when all Hades broke loose. In less than a second everyone was on the ground and roped up. Iron Man's suit shut down and weapons were in front of them and out of reach. Even Thor's hammer was in from of them. 

"Bye, I see you were in an 'unfortunate accident'", The teenager chuckled and Percy Jackson walked away. "I'll see you soon Natasha Romanoff and Steve Rogers"

The second he left the scene Natasha tapped her radio button and SHEILD agents found them. 

As they waited for agents to come Tony asked, "Thor?"

"Yes, Man of Iron"

"How did your hammer get in front of us if it was in the bushes with you?"

"I don't even want to know, how"

"Can you summon your hammer?"

"It would run you and cause more harm"

"Yeah, so Tony can have a hammer sized smack", Natasha said. 


"How could a teenager or a 30 year old beat 'The Earth's Mightiest Heroes'?", Fury roared. 

"I don't know sir as soon as Clint released his arrow, seconds later we tied up, sir", the spy struggled to explain. 

"Also, he knew our names, we just said some fake names and he left calling us our actual names, ....sir", Steve added. 

Fury thought Natasha is an expert liar, if someone that powerful, smart, and deceptive could see through that they were in big no massive trouble. Fury wanted him on the team, but seeing as they were against each other it wouldn't end well. A small part of his brain, thought he may be on our side, or he is actually good. But he quickly dismissed those thoughts , 'this would not be a vacation for the Avengers', but a puzzle, a hard one indeed, and he was going to solve it and find out all his secrets.  

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