Jack takes Rapunzel to the North Pole

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Jack's POV

I flew to Rapunzel's castle to see if she is awake.

End of POV

Rapunzel's POV

I woke up early like always anyway I took a shower and brushed my teeth and my hair then I changed into a dress then I heard a knock at the window I walked out the bathroom and saw Jack he smiled I opened the window and he flew in.

Jack: good morning princess

Rapunzel: *giggles*

Jack: are you free today?

Rapunzel: yeah I don't have any duties today

Jack: great 

Rapunzel: why?

Jack: I was thinking we could go to the North Pole

Rapunzel: okay

Jack: climb on my back

I climbed onto his back and he walked to the window and flew off.

End of POV

After an hour

Jack's POV

I arrived at the North Pole and when I landed in the globe room Rapunzel got off my back and she looked around.

Rapunzel: it looks amazing here

Jack: North!

North walked out of his office and walked over to us.

North: you must be Rapunzel

Rapunzel: I am sir

North: I am North 

Rapunzel: nice to meet you North

North: Bunny!, Tooth!, Sandy! She is here

Rapunzel: what's going on?

Jack: you'll see

Then Tooth smiled at Rapunzel and she was happy that another girl was here, Bunny smiled and welcomed her while Sandy did some signs which Rapunzel didn't understand so she whispered to me.

Rapunzel: what did he say?

Jack: he said welcome to the North Pole

Rapunzel: oh 

North: now I bet you are wondering why you are here

Rapunzel: yeah

North: there is a story about you

Rapunzel: about me?

North: and Jack

Rapunzel: really?

Jack: even I didn't know this story

North: Jack is the moon and Rapunzel you are the sun because you were born from the sun

Rapunzel: what?

North: do you know why your hair glows and heals?

Rapunzel: no 

Wait her hair glows and heals?! How come she never told me oh well at least I know now I guess. 

North: there was a drop of sunlight that fell to the earth and it formed a flower but before you were born your mother fell ill so your father sent guards to search for that flower but Gothel was using it to keep herself young anyway the guards found the flower and gave it to the queen and you were born so you are the daughter of the sun while the legend says that Jack is the son of the moon.

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