Aubrie Quenn

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Aubrie Quenn

She has the blue streaks but her hair is dark pink

Side: Rebel

Parent's story: Snow White and the seven dwarves

Secret hearts desire: She wants to be able to free her twin sister Raven from their mother's evil destiny passed onto Raven.

Her "Magic" Touch: When Aubrie makes physical contact with someone even if it's just once she can cause them to have flashbacks, illusions, or she can see their past and browse it as she likes.

Storybook Romance Status: Aubrie used to date a prince that she fell in love with but then he broke up with her and broke her heart. She is now madly crushing on Eric Trident the son of Ariel.

"Oh Curses" Moment: When she loses control of her powers just like Raven does at times.

Favorite subject: Beast training and care

Best friends forever after: Ashlynn Ella, Briar Beauty, Apple White, Serenity Star, Leah Beast, Bella Beast, and Melody Piper

Her gifted pet: A pet pegacorn, Cloudy

Ever After High: Fierce and flawlessWhere stories live. Discover now