After the mall concert Leah had asked Bella if it would be okay if she took off the rest of the day so she could see Jin. Bella agreed and Leah had called for a cab the cab took her to Ever After High. When the cab arrived at the school Leah tipped him graciously and strided into the school. At first not many people noticed her but eventually some of them recgonized who she was. That's when the whispers and shouts started.
"Oh my god it's Leah Beast!"
"She's in Fierce and Flawless! That amazing girl group."
"I wish I had her hair."
"I can't wait to hear their next album!"
Leah ignored the shouts and whispers usually she would stop to talk to the fans and sign some autographs but she was here to see Jin. She eventually reached the part of Ever After High where the boy's dormed. She knocked on the door marked Jin Hatter & Aleister Wonderland. Aleister opened the door shocked to see Leah.
"Hey is Jin here?" She asked going on her tippy toes. "Yeah-yeah come in.." Aleister says blushing but Leah paid it no mind. Sure a lot of the boys at Ever After High were madly crushing on her but she only had eyes for her boyfriend Jin Hatter. Leah walked over to where Jin's bedroom was and knocked on the door.
"Come in!" Jin was painting his walls black and when he turned around to see Leah he stopped to take a break. He walked over to his girlfriend and bowed. "You don't have to do that honestly, I already told you. You can just act normal around me." He laughs at this. "How am I supposed to be normal around you? Leah your a princess, and I'm a nobody." Leah grabs a fistful of Jin's shirt looking him in his gourgeous eyes. "Your a somebody to me Jin. I love you so much and I don't want you to forget that ever. No matter what everyone say's I am yours." Leah kisses Jin on his cheek.
"Okay, okay princess so where do you want to go for our date?" Leah shrugs as if the subject is unimportant to her. "We could just stay here. Honestly I don't mind." Jin nods and breaths out a sigh of relief he didn't feel like going out anyways, whenever he was with Leah the paparazzi tired him out. "I'll go to the kitchen to cook I guess." "Noooooo I'll cook no offense love but your terrible at cooking so really babe I insist." Leah kisses Jin on the cheek and he goes back to painting.
Leah puts an apron on in the kitchen and her mind wanders away thinking of the hate comments she was reading last night in her room.
Leah Beast is so ugly, her kingdom gonna be so dissapointed once her and her sister rule
Broooooo did u see the commoner she's dating? Wtf wandering y a royal dating a rebel I mean come on lol
Lmfao she's such a joke and her autotone
"Leah! Oh my god! Are you hurt you got a burn mark on your hand!" Leah looks down to see a burn mark on her hand but not for long cause Jin wraps her hand in a bandage. "Aleister can you call Bella and tell her Leah will be staying the night." "Got it." Aleister takes Leah's phone and walks away with it, as the pain finally starts to settle in Leah bites her lip to keep herself calm. "What were you thinking? Leah you were reading the comments again weren't you?" Leah curses herself sometimes having a smart boyfriend was a pain. "No...... Maybe...... Yes." "Why would you Leah? They're wrong about you! Why can't you just not look at them is it that hard!? Do I have to ask Bella to confiscate your phone?"
Leah hops off the seat Jin sat her down in and stares down at him. "I can't help it! How can I help that everyone in the world hates me for me?" Now Jin stands up pissed at Leah. "Simple you turn off your fucking account!" Leah laughs in his face. "As if I can't shut off my fucking account the publicist's would kill me." Jin stares at Leah with concern in his eyes. "Babe when did this become normal for us? Please I'm begging you for me and yourself go see a therapist." Leah shakes her head. "What if the public figures out and give them another reason to hate me more."
"You shouldn't care what they think! I love you goddamnit! Does it matter what I think!?" Leah looks down at the floor. "Not if you suggest me giving up my dream then no." Leah turns away to go on the balcony as Jin turns his back on her. After a few minutes pass Jin walks over to the balcony doors and knock on it loud enough for Leah to hear.
"I need you to know something Leah although I'm fuming right now I'm not leaving you, I love you to much." Leah leans against the other side of the balcony doors and whispers ever so slightly but Jin still hears her. "I love you too and I won't ever leave you either."

Ever After High: Fierce and flawless
FanfictionI WOULD JUST LIKE TO SAY THERE IS SOME SWEARING, SELF HARM, AND A LESBIAN COUPLE {IF U ARE UNCOFORMTABLE WITH THIS THEN DON'T READ} This is the start of Fierce and Flawless the most popular girl group in all of ever after. What they didn't plan for...