This is the start of Fierce and Flawless the most popular girl group in all of ever after. What they didn't plan for...
Melody walks into the living room and see's all of Fierce and Flawless pouring over some magazine Apple was holding in her hands. "So it came." All of Fierce and Flawless look at Melody, all of their faces saying the same thing. SHIT. "Okay what is it?" Melody walks over and snatches the magazine out of Apple's hand. Melody closes the magazine and looks at the cover.
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"So what this is what you were all so worried about me seeing? They've done this a lot of times, it doesn't even bug me anymore." Melody drops the magazine on the couch and walks over to the window. Trying not to cry because she knows that in that article, whoever wrote it, tore her apart for her sexuality like they always did. Serenity walks over to Melody and hugs her as her knees buckle and she screams. "Why do they always do this to me!!!!" Melody cries into Serenity's shoulder and she doesn't care that she's getting her clothes wet from her tears and the rest of Fierce and Flawless all hug Melody too.
Fame wasn't always as it seems, it's not even close to what they're fans thought. "Mel it's okay you're stronger then this." Serenity strokes her hair as she still cries. "She's right okay? Come on Melody." Apple and Aubrie both offer her one of their own hands as they stand up and Melody takes it. She wipes her nose against her long sleeved black shirt. "Sorry Serenity god I probably got shot all over you along with getting your shirt wet." Serenity laughs and so does Apple, Bella, Leah, and Aubrie. "It's fine don't worry bout it." Serenity dismisses it and that's one of the reasons why Melody loved her. To Serenity friends and family came first and that's how it was with all the other girls too.
"Wait I know what'll make you feel better." Apple say's all chipper, she walks over to the glass table, grabs the magazine, walks over to the fireplace, and throws it into the fire. "All better now." Melody say's hugging Apple, who wasn't the same Royal who felt uncoformtable near the others and was scared of doing anything her parents would disapprove of as she had been at first.
"Mel's you don't have to let them beat you up you know?" Bella say's now using her mother hen voice. "It's okay to be different Melody." "I know but you guys help remind me veryday and for that I say you guy's are the best friends ever." All of Fierce and Flawless awwwwwwww at Melody's statement and pull her into another group hug.
"I swear nothing will ever break us." Aubrie says now her hands on her hips defiant. "We're invincible as long as we're together." Aubrie puts her fist out and the rest of Fierce and Flawless follows suit.
A/N Sorry this is just another short chapter so these will be more frequent but this doesn't mean there won't be any long chapters ever again it just means that I don't have any ideas to continue the chapter or the chapter is just going to be short bc I didn't feel like writing too much bc I have a lot of other books to focus on as well sooooooo sorry guy's xoxoxoxoxoxo