It was from America

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How was he supposed to tell Khushi? What would her reaction be? These thoughts wouldn't stop plaguing his mind on their trip to the restaurant. Khushi was quiet too, and while she knew her husband was distracted, even she couldn't comprehend the storm brewing inside of him. Yet they both found a sense of comfort as they sat hand in hand on the journey there.

As they get to the restaurant, Arnav steps out and opens the door for his missus and they make their way to the reception. "Hi Sir, hi Ma'am. Can I have your name please?", the receptionist asks politely. "Raizada", Arnav responded. "Ah yes, I have you down for 8:30pm, please come through.", the receptionist replies. "Arnav! Did you give me a fake time just so I'd get ready earlier?!", Khushi looked at her husband scandalously, to which Arnav just smirked hoping his dear wife wouldn't create too much of a scene now they were seated inside.

Of course, Khushi ordered her dumplings before Arnav even had time to open the menu. Although he knew exactly what wine he was having and ordered for the table. While Arnav was sipping away and Khushi eating away, Arnav broke the silence, "I can't take my eyes off you today Khushi." Khushi blushed as he continued. "I swear I could stare into those eyes of yours all day. You know they reveal everything about you, right?". Khushi lowered her gaze when he said that, feeling rather vulnerable in front of her husband. "Arnav, that's the wine talking. This is why you should eat before drinking.", Khushi chided him. "Pftt, i'm not drunk, maybe just drunk in your love", he smiled. "Easy on those dumplings Khushi! Sheesh. You weren't kidding about demolishing them huh?", he joked, lightening the atmosphere. "Hey! Don't put nazar on my food just because you're not hungry today okay?!", Khushi said as she saw him play with his food all evening.

He'd put off telling Khushi enough at this point and honestly, he couldn't take it much longer. "Khushi, i'm going to miss that smile of yours, y'know?", Arnav said genuinely. "Arnav. What's this strange mood you're in today? Why will you miss it? Where are you going?", Khushi asked confused, while looking over Arnav to see if the dessert in the waiter's hands was heading towards her table or not. "This morning, when you got in to the shower, I got a call. To go somewhere. For work.", Arnav said nervously. "Ok. Great. What's the issue? You used to go to Surat all the time for business when you were with ASR Industries. It's a day, Arnav. Two days, max. Is that what you were worried about all day and why you were acting strange? Uff. I promise I'll be waiting for you when you get back, and if you're good, I'll even have a special surprise for you. Just like last time.", she winked. Arnav paused, not sure how to tell her. "Khushi, no", he said as she looked at him confused. He continued, "not that kind of trip. The call? It was from America. The investors want me to go to New York. They think I'll have a better chance of success if I kickstart 'Blue Velvet Fashion' there first. They've agreed to finance all of this, and they'll even fly me out business class." Khushi's eyes widened and she exclaimed loudly "Arnav!", only to have a few people at the restaurant turn and look at her. "This is amazing news! I am SO happy for you, my love. I know this project will be a massive success. Didn't I tell you? I told you something amazing would come along soon. Devi Maiyya is great. Honestly." She strokes her thumb on his hand, beaming with pride over her amazing husband.

Just on cue, her sizzling chocolate brownie with salted caramel ice-cream arrives on the table, as does Arnav's boring mango sorbet, as per Khushi. "Perfect way to celebrate your success, eh hubby?" Khushi digs in, and turns her spoon to feed Arnav. He takes a bite and then watches her devour her dessert, smiling at how adorable his wife is, not sure how he's going to muster up the courage to tell her the full truth. "Khushi. There's something else.", Arnav whispers as Khushi looks up confusingly. He takes a deep breath "They want me to help kickstart the project. They said they'll need me out there for at least 6 months."

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