It cuts me deep, And it cuts me wide

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Saint sang 'Crush on You' under his breath as he scrolled surfed through the web, trying to find something to watch as he waited for Zee to finish showering. They had just done a full weight workout half an hour ago, and after taking a shower by himself (no Saint, we'll never actually get clean if we go together), Zee had hopped in right after. Zee only ever takes fifteen minutes or so. Saint himself too, the only difference is the amount he spends on his facial regimen, which Zee and him often do together anyway. Though, he admits, he had more stuff than Zee for that area.

"Hey." Zee's voice greeted him and he leaned his head back on the couch behind him. He smiled as Zee came into his line of vision, towelling his hair dry. He had sat on the floor in front of the couch, similar to how Zee always sits whenever they do a video call and lives. They never really sit on the couch. It was somehow weird. The only time they ever do is...

"So what are we watching?"

Zee sat beside him and he turned his head to watch him. "I'm still looking. Nothing comes to mind right now."

Zee hummed before finishing off with his hair and placing his towel on the couch. Saint waited. When Zee only leaned forward to grab his phone, he whined. His boyfriend glanced at him and chuckled teasingly, before leaning over and kissing his cheek. "Hello, baby."

Saint nodded satisfied, before turning back to the front and scrolling again. "Why is it so boring during this time?"

"Do you wanna eat?" Zee asked, already ready to dial their favourite take out place.

"No." Saint shook his head. "We still have food from lunch, I don't want to order anymore."

"Not even dessert?" Zee teased, nudging his shoulder.

Saint hit him back, slapping his thigh, before squeezing it in warning. "Stop. I'm not that bad."

"Sure, Saintsup." He rolled his eyes before something caught his eye and he exclaimed. "Oh let's watch UWMA!"


He didn't even wait for Zee to actually agree before setting it up. "Yes. P'Kao is in it."


Saint smiled as the rolling credits started. "We haven't spoken in a while. But we do send texts sometimes." He grabbed his phone right then. "Wonder how he's doing? Let's take a selfie so we can send it to him."


Saint seemed oblivious to the storm stewing by his side. "Baby, did you know we almost worked together?"


"Phi was very nice. At the linetv awards too! If we didn't have conflicting schedules or series already set, we would have worked together." Saint scrolled through his line chats, finding Kao's.

"You've mentioned this like three times." Zee deadpanned, and if Saint was focused on him more, he'd see the gritted teeth and steam coming out Zee's ears.

"Really? Well, let me text him now and tell him we're watching his–"

Saint paused mid-sentence when Zee abruptly stood up and walked out the room and into the ensuite, slamming the door on the way out. He blinked in shock, once, twice. What just happened?


Zee curled his hands into fists as he walked back and forth in his bathroom. Honestly, this gut rock feeling he gets inside was something he loathed the most. It was irrational, uncalled for. But he knew it was only human nature. You can't be normal if you can never be jealous. And that's what he is right now.

Fragments of Love: A ZaintSee CollectionWhere stories live. Discover now