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I woke up around 9 in the morning, tired as hell for some reason. I got up finally and grabbed my phone.

'You have 1 new message'

It was from an unknown number. I opened it and read it out loud so the author doesn't have to keep indenting lines and putting things in italic (fourth wall=broken). "Hey Kaminari it's Jiro. The Pomeranian gave me your number" I said.

I smiled and texted back "sick :)" and added her to my contacts as "Earphone Jack 🎼". I created a group chat quickly so we could plan a dinner or something.

Ground Zero💥: Why the hell did you create a chat without my permission dumbass

Charge Bolt ⚡️: Since Jiro's back in town I was gonna plan a dinner or something

Cellophane 🎮: sweet

Pinky 🌸: noice! Let's talk later okay?

Earphone Jack 🎼: kk

I closed my phone and got dressed, going out to patrol. I saw a dude steal a woman's purse. I sighed and yelled "HEY GET BACK HERE!" As if it would do something. I shot my shooter at his back and he lost his balance, but kept running. I saw a chord enter his ear and zap him.

I smiled as the guy fell backwards. I returned the purse to its owner and met up with Jiro. "Nice job Earphone Jack! I guess we could say I owe you one!" I said with a smile.

"Actually you owe me a few" she said with a smile. "Hey so uh wanna get boba or something and catch up?" I proposed. She seemed flustered and almost immediately answered "I-I gotta t-take care of my d-dad sorry Charge Bolt!" She said running the other way.

"Hold up! When can we meet up?!" I yelled. "S-some other time!" She yelled back, continuing to run. I let out a breath as I walked away in defeat. A little girl approached me and excitedly asked "Is she your girlfriend!? That would be so cool!".

I smiled at her and replied "Unfortunately no. Maybe someday". I didn't want to make her sad by making it seem like we would never get together. I mean we liked each other in school, you never know.

I walked around when I saw Jiro talking to Yaomomo without a care in the world. I felt a little hurt as my eyebrows furrowed. "So you have enough time to patrol with Creati but not enough time to get boba with me?" I asked.

She seemed suprised as she noticed me. "O-oh Charge Bolt I didn't-" she started though I cut her off. "No no no it's cool. I guess I'll see you later maybe. Or not whatever works with you I guess" I said in a certain tone I didn't often use. "W-Wait I-" I heard her start her sentence but I didn't hear her finish it. I just wanted to run off.

I stopped off at a 7-Eleven and grabbed some mochi. I wiped the melting ice cream off my stubly chin when someone sat next to me. It was Jiro. (Because author San needs to make up good juicy stories that prob wouldn't happen irl).

She ate and I ate but we didn't talk. When I finished I stood up to walk home and Jiro followed though we remained silent.

When we finally reached my apartment and I was gonna walk inside she hesitated and looked at me with a face that looked like she was tryna ask if she could go in or not.

I nodded and let her in and she sat on the couch and I sat next to her and we remained silent. After a good 5 minutes of silence, she spoke.

"The reason I've been avoiding you is because...." she said in a low voice. She turned to me and asked "Do you remember that time around the end of the first year in U.A when we liked each other and I said we should focus on school and that we could be together when we were adults?" She asked quickly.

I nodded still rather confused. "Well I never really let go go that thought and the closer we got to graduating, the farther apart we grew. I didn't want you to feel obligated to date me because you had a crush on me in the first year. That's why I moved so far and stopped talking to you guys and changed my phone number. I never wanted to face this conversation we're having right now though that didn't work out to good, huh?" She finished. I gave her a hug and said "I'm so sorry Jiro." .

She pushed me off. "Woah don't be sorry! You didn't do anything!" She said laughing. I tried to attack that claim but I couldn't think of anything.

She stood up and walked towards the door. "I better get going. See ya Kaminari. Thanks for listening to my rant." She said. "Anytime" I replied.

Before she walked out she turned back to me. "So we cool?" She asked. I breathed deeply and plastered a smile on my face "yeah we cool". She smiled at me and left.

I threw myself onto my couch and turned on the tv.

"Tonight's report, are pro heroes Charge Bolt and Earphone Jack dating? The two heroes have been caught talking and walking together and a small child claimed that Charge Bolt said they might start dating. More on this after the bre-" I turned the tv off and grabbed a pillow. "WHAT THE FUUUUUUUUUUCK?!" I yelled inside the pillow.

At some point I feel asleep on my couch, with the tv on. When I woke up in the morning I had over 50 texts from Mina.

'Are you and Jiro dating???
I knew you would end up together!
C'mon Denki answer meeeee
If you like her it's not unprofessional!
Denki answer me!
I always knew you liked her
We can have a double date with me and Sero and you and Jiro!
Ooh we can have a triple date if we invite Kirishima Bakugo! And that would be a bakusquad night together!
Denki please answer when you can!
I think Jiro might still like you
Why wouldn't she
You are pretty good looking.
I'll put in a good word for you to Jiro.

I sighed and answered with a simple:

     Me and Jiro are not dating.

Awww okay :(

Hey guys! Thanks for reading and I hoped you liked this chapter! It was fun taking forever to think like Mina lol.

Word count: 1106

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