Six: The Cat's Got Claws

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Kara and Lena had scheduled an interview with Cat for a week after the dinner with Eliza, who was apartment hunting to be closer to the girls. Kara was dreading going into work, knowing the interview would probably end what little domesticity they had left, all while designating them as LGBTQ+ icons. Kara wasn't sure she was ready for that.

Lena, on the other hand, was just ready to break her routine. After leaving the hospital twice in as many weeks, she was on a two-month leave from L-corp. She'd get coffee every morning, then head back home until lunch, when she'd visit Kara, then pick up Ruby from preschool. After grilling Sam on work, she'd send Ruby off with her mom and wait until Kara got home. She was bored. Usually, she'd be inventing or tinkering, but she was sitting. Eating, baking, babysitting.

Cat Grant was a great change of scenery. That was, until she saw the media empress in her throne. Cat's office was a glorified throne room, with her giant office chair and people bustling in and out.

"Lena Luthor." Cat declared, raising an eyebrow.

"Cat Grant." Lena smiled. "I never thought I'd be glad to be in this office."

"Neither did I," Kara muttered, glad Lena's arm was around her waist to ground her.

"Let's get to the studio," Cat ordered, strolling out of the room. Kara held Lena back for a second, studying her face.

"You're sure you want to do this?" She asked, tucking a strand of hair behind Lena's ear.

"Yes, love. Are you?" Lena replied.

"Ready as I'll ever be." Kara placed a chaste kiss on Lena's lips, and they were off.

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"Hello, everyone, and welcome to Catco Worldwide on the Web! Today, I'll be sitting down with Lena Luthor, CEO of L-corp, and her girlfriend, Kara Danvers, my protégé." Cat chimed. Kara smiled through her nerves. She hated this. "So how long have you two been together?" Lena held back a laugh as she made eye contact with Kara.

"About two months." She replied. Kara laughed, practically reading Lena's mind. That was a complicated answer. Two and a half months if you included their first kisses, and two months and a week if you took away the break.

"What's funny?" Cat asked, a genuine smile on her lips.

"The beginning of our relationship was..." Kara trailed off, trying to find a word to describe it.

"Complicated." Lena finished.

"We were friends for three years. When you've had a friendship for so long, it's a weird sort of transition from movie nights to movie dates. It's also nice because she already knows me so well." Kara explained.

"That explains why you're so domestic." Cat joked.

"Yeah, we already live together, she's met my adoptive mom, and my family loves her." Kara smiled.

"I'd already met Eliza. She's a fellow scientist, and so is Kara's sister, so they understand my work talk." Lena added.

"Do you two have very many date nights?" Cat asked.

"We stay in, we don't really go out." Kara shrugged.

"We go to galas and all, but I have a lot of projects that are unpredictable, and I'd rather not leave her in a nice restaurant," Lena added.

"Is Supergirl one of those projects?" Cat asked.

"No." Lena managed, and Kara burst out laughing. "Supergirl is not one of my projects, and she isn't my girlfriend."

"Supergirl and I are good friends. She's not sleeping with my girlfriend." Kara managed.

"She's definitely not." Lena snorted as Kara hid her face in the crook of the brunette's neck.

"I was always rooting for you, Kara," Cat smirked. "And you two have mostly the same friends, right?"

"Yeah, Alex, my sister, is married to Sam, who Lena's known longer than she's known me." Kara nodded.

"Her family became my family when I moved here. Once you're Kara's friend, you're in the group. Our friends are amazing." Lena agreed.

"They are. I'm an amazing judge of character." Kara giggled.

"Do you two spend any time apart?" Cat asked.

"We work in different buildings, but we eat lunch together every day. That's because I'm on leave and I'm bored." Lena replied.

"Speaking of your stay in the hospital, you never said what happened." Cat shot back, and Kara went numb.

"It was personal, and I'd appreciate some privacy in my continued recovery. With two hospital stays so close to each other, and a gunshot wound, I really need some time." Lena's response was crafty, shutting Cat down and still providing information.

"You never said you were shot." Cat seemed a bit rattled, which Kara thought was impossible.

"When Lex kidnapped Supergirl and me, I was shot in the stomach. Supergirl was stabbed in the thigh and had a bit of internal bleeding. She's made a full recovery thanks to her speedy healing, but I'm still healing." Lena replied, squeezing Kara's hand as the blonde seemed to shrink into herself.

"You must've been going crazy, Kara." Cat had retained her composure and managed to spit out another loaded question.

"I was." Kara stuttered. The realization dawned on her that Supergirl had been kidnapped, not Kara. Supergirl now had a scar on her thigh, not Kara. "I almost didn't make it to the hospital. My sister took care of us. She saved Lena's life, and she got me back by her side."

"You were the first person I saw when I woke up." Lena nudged Kara gently with her elbow.

"Yeah. How about we avoid that in the future?" Kara laughed.

"I think that's a good place to end this. Thank you, everyone, for watching, and thank you, Kara and Lena, for being here. With Catco Worldwide on the Web, I'm Cat Grant." Cat finished.

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