Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

"You sent me to America for what?!"

I couldn't believe it. Everything felt like a blur—anger, disbelief, and frustration swirling inside me, barely contained. How could this be happening? I had just returned, and already, I was met with this... madness! It was absurd. Insane!

"We sent you to America so that we could finalize your arranged marriage without either of you knowing."

My father's words felt like a slap. I gasped, unable to process it. "To whom? To that man you're telling me I'm supposed to marry? This is... absolute bullshit, Dad! Why?"

"For the good of our company, Aces. You see, their business is huge, spanning across Asia. They have numerous projects underway, and if you marry their only son, it'll be beneficial. Our company will gain recognition, and we'll flourish. It's all for the future of the business I built from the ground up. Think about it, Aces."

"Dad, I haven't even met this man! I don't even know what he looks like. And now you expect me to marry him? Are you all out of your minds?" My voice broke, and tears slipped down my cheeks, unstoppable. This... this was too much. I wanted to run back to America, far away from all of this. To escape. What was the point of coming home if this was the reality waiting for me? To be tied to someone I hadn't even laid eyes on? To be bound to someone I couldn't possibly love? Why couldn't I make my own choices?

"On Saturday, I want you to go on a date with him, Eliann Aces. That's final."

A bitter laugh escaped me, the sound hollow and devoid of humor. I exhaled sharply, shaking my head. How could this man be my father? Did he even care about me?

"This is his number. Don't worry, I've already given your number to his father. I didn't mention your name, so neither of you knows the other. I want you two to meet on your own terms. Understood?"

I snatched the slip of paper from my father's hand, the weight of it heavy in my palm. I stared at the number, feeling a rage boil beneath my skin. Bullshit. All of this was bullshit. Without another word, I stormed up to my room, slamming the door behind me as I crumpled onto my bed.

I clutched my pillow tight, pressing my face into the fabric as if that could block out the world. What was I supposed to do now? How could I even think of tying myself to someone I'd never met, someone who was nothing more than a name on a piece of paper?

My eyes flicked toward the crumpled paper in my hand. Date him, huh? Fine.

With a sigh, I punched the number into my phone and sent a quick, sharp text.


Hey, I bet you know who I am. I don't know why our fathers are doing this, but let's just meet up like they said.

Five minutes passed before my phone buzzed with a reply.

Unknown Number:


Seriously? I waited five minutes for an 'OK'? This was the man my father wanted me to marry? Unbelievable. But then again, why would anyone involved in this care about feelings? This wasn't about love; it was about business. And the very thought of that made my blood boil.


I quickly wiped my face, sitting up straight as I heard the door creak open. My irritation spiked further at the sudden intrusion.

"Didn't I tell you to knock before entering my room, Jace?" I snapped.

He shrugged, as if my annoyance was nothing new to him. "Tss. It's not like you're not used to it." He plopped onto my bed, folding his arms behind his head like he owned the place.

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