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Side Note Please Read:   I want everyone to know that none of my characters are perfect (especially Sophie.) I create them with character flaws on purpose, because that’s how people are in real life. No one is perfect, and yes I realize that Sophie is super narcissistic and competitive and Luke is narcissistic and kinda a perv lbr but I intentionally created them this way. Okay that’s all bye.

“I said I’m fine” I hiss again, slightly agitated as Maddie asked me for the hundredth. I regretted it as soon as the harsh words were out of my mouth, however didn’t apologize. Why should I? I had already told her a hundred times.

                The doctor had cleared me for playing today after I had visited him yesterday. H e had said that it was just a pinched muscle caused by the way I fell-or rather, was tripped- and that I should be fine today, as long as I didn’t go too hard. Yeah right, as if I was going to let a pinched muscle keep me from playing my best.

                The whole team was currently huddled together on the bench as the coach read off the starting lineup. Of course, I was on first again. The team jogs onto the field as the opposing team does the same.

                They were an awkward team, with girls of all different heights and sizes. From my knowledge, they hadn’t won a game in the past season, and I wasn’t going to let them break that record with our team. Of course, that wouldn’t be much of a problem. This game would be a walk in the park.

                I shook hands with the captain of the other team, a short girl who didn’t look like she would have a very hard kick. They had first kick, and so our front line backed up, waiting for her move. She kicks a weak pass let, which I easily run up and steal, dribbling u their end of the field and scoring easily.

                The small crowd cheers, but I hear one voice louder than the others. Not only that, the voice has an air of something more. Sarcasm maybe? No, that’s stupid. Who would sarcastically cheer at a soccer game? The realization hits me straight in the gut as I turn my head and see him sitting on the bleachers. Of course Luke would come out to a game and sarcastically cheer.

                God, he was such a dick. Why was he even here? I shake my head, trying to get the thoughts out of them. It didn’t matter why he was here. I was still going to play as well as normally. If not a little better, because as much as I want to deny it, I did find myself attracted to him. I wanted to impress him, at the very least.


The game continued much the same with the other team scoring a goal here and here. The final score at the end of the game was 18-14, which wasn’t as good as it should have been, considering that the other team wasn’t very good. I knew that we would be reminded of that at the next practice.

                We all shook hands before heading off the fields, picking up water bottles and trudging collectively back to the locker rooms. We all showered off and put our regular clothes back on in dead silence. Everyone was obviously disappointed that it had been such a close game There was no doubt that we were a competitive school, and it sucked sometimes, because it meant that we couldn’t just win a game and be happy with that, we had to destroy the other team.

                I had taken longer than usual putting on my skinny jeans because of my sprained ankle. This, mixed with the fact that Maddie had had to leave for her skating practice- the one sport in our town that I didn’t do- meant that I was one of the last people out of the change room, only one or two other people still getting changed.

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