Chapter 11:

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-1/2 week later-

I'm still grounded. I won't look at Zayn, but he scared me. A lot!

My phone lit up and I saw I had a text

From: JJ😜💭
Hey can u come out today it's really important?

"Mom can I see a friend today? Pleassssssssssse" I say giving puppy dog eyes
"Oh baby, I wish I could let you but it's not up to me, I'm sorry baby, but you'll have to ask Zayn" she said.
I huffed and trotted over to Zayn, there's no point asking but still...

R-Remay. Z-Zayn

"Zayn... can I pleaaaaasssse go see a friend today" -A


"Why, he's the only friend I've got please" -A

"ANNA! I said NO!" -Z

"WHY... BECAUSE YOU DON'T WANT ME TO HAVE FRIENDS DO YOU!!! YOU WANT ME TO BE A LONER THAT HAS NO FRIENDS BECAUSE OF HER DAD!!! I can't believe you right now!" I yelled and ran out the front door. I ran to the park.

I text JJ

To: JJ😜💭
I'm at the park now, if you see 5 boys looking for me, don't tell them I'm her please

From JJ😜💭
OK see you in a min

5 minutes later JJ got her,
"Hi, oh my god are you okay?" he asked whipping my crying eyes. I just nodded.
"I have to tell you something" he said.
"Well when I couldn't see you, I realised something, I missed you so much."
"I missed you too, your the only friend I've got, I can't loose you" I said
"I can't loose you either" he said
"Can I tell you something?" he asked
"Remay Malik, I love you with all my heart" he said
"Jakob Lackey, I love you with all my heart" I said back, giggling.
He leaned in and I also leaned in.
Soon are lips touched and I felt fire all over my body. I really do love him!


- - - - - - - - - -
Who do you think it is?????

80 reads please!

Till next time






Peace out✌

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