Chapter Eight

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Chapter Eight

Ham House

Clip-clop. Clippety-Clop.  The horses hooves clacked down the road of Ham House.  The Master kept his gaze on the window of the room that held Dorothy.  For some reason he could not rid himself of the uneasiness of feeling he had that their escape plan was all too simple.  The Rani never let people go that lightly.  He let out a sigh as the storm stopped.  Nancy kept her eyes on the road ahead.  Doctor Six was staring at The Master intently.

“I can feel your eyes on me, Doctor,” The Master turned to look at his patchwork adversary in the eyes.  “Where are we in your time-stream?” The Master asked.

The Sixth Doctor scowled.  “You and The Rani...”

“Ah, yes.  How is Miss Perpugilliam Brown?” The Master asked. “Last we met she...”

The Sixth Doctor leant forward.  “Yes, Master?” he murmured slowly.  “I have a sword near me.  If you say anything against her I shall be the one to pierce it through your non functioning hearts.”

The Master smiled as he laid his hands flat on his legs.  “There you go again, Doctor!” he exclaimed.  “Assuming that I am about to convey some message of ill intent towards your not so good self!”

Nancy hissed.  “HE would not clone anyone YOU loved and turn them against YOU!” then tilted her head.  “Oh, yes, I forget,” voice dripping with sarcasm, “you CAN’T love!”

The Master turned his attention towards Nancy.  “All love is,” he sighed, “is a mixture of chemicals.  Some chemicals mix better than others,” looking straight at her he smirked, The Doctor did not like the mischievous gleam in his eyes.  “Why do you think certain actors and actresses work better with some than with others?  Many people remark on CHEMISTRY between two people on screen...” leaving that train of thought he turned his eyes towards the Sixth, “You may have the capacity to feel pity and mercy, which I shall acknowledge I find difficult... but actual love?” his lips curled.  “Would you really want to spend the rest of your life with Peri?” Six took in a deep breath, puffing up his cheeks and his chest. “I would not show your pride,” The Master turned his twinkling gaze down, “you could burst your waistcoat buttons.  It would be a shame to ruin that outfit and when braces ping...” The Master winced and drew his breath sharply over his teeth.

Six puffed himself up further, eyes almost bulged out of their sockets.  “Rude in the extreme!” he exclaimed.  

“Coming from you,” The Master giggled slightly, “that is almost speechless,” The Master grinned.  He was enjoying this.  The only one he had to play nice with was Seven.  Mind you, he did not mind Seven so much.  “What?” The Master raised a hand to his chest and affected a shocked expression, “have you truly lost your ability for eloquent retorts?”

Nancy picked up the sword and pointed it at him.  “Still not afraid to use this!” she snapped her eyes sparkling dangerously.  “I happen to think he is very smart!”

Six calmed down now that his ego was stoked.  “Thank you, at last, someone with exquisite taste!”

Exquisite taste? The Master sneered to himself.  About the only right decision Nancy has made is fully accepting Dorothy to be her mother. Dorothy, he sighed, I chose the right one to be mother to our daughter.  “Why didn’t you stay in the twenty first century?” he murmured to himself.

“I wanted a...” Nancy began.

“NOT YOU!” The Master roared interrupting her.  Nancy hid her eyes as a flash of gold sparked through The Master’s pupils.  “Your mother!”  This surprised Six.  “Didn’t The Doctor warn her to stay away?” he asked calming his tone down.

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