Chapter Eleven

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Chapter Eleven

Docker’s Inn

The Brigadier never felt as hopeless as he did now.  On his own in a strange time, might as well be a strange place too!  The Storm thundered on outside, and when lightning sparked through, it only highlighted the pain in his eyes.  How could The Doctor have succumbed to that song? how could it be aimed, as it seemingly was? The red haired chap did not need a song - he was following his heart.  So, how come he was left out of it?  Didn’t that hateful woman realise he was here or was she playing?  The Brigadier’s army mind reeled over all the whys, wherefores, hows... The scientific side argued there was no logic to it.  What could be happening?  

The Brigadier stood up.  “Well,” he said straightening his belt.  “It is time I went out.  I have to go and do it on my own I suppose!”

The Brigadier took one look at the storm and gulped.  Still, he was British! Stiff-Upper lip, I am sure that I will face worse.  Be positive.  The Doctor did say that if one had travelled in the TARDIS one was protected.  “Well, I have travelled in the good ship TARDIS,” he said as he strode up to the door.  

As his fingers closed on the handle to turn the door open a wild whooshing wind sprang up, it was slightly different to the violent tempest outside, it whipped The Brigadier’s hat off in the process.  The Brigadier blinked.  When he opened his eyes he saw the TARDIS appearing.  Once the light at the top stopped whizzing around and the heavy breathing sound stopped he saw The TARDIS standing there clear as day.  The Brigadier let his hand slip.  His Doctor had only been playing along, cheeky devil! he grinned.  

“All right,” a harsh voice snapped, “so what dump have you taken me too now, Doctor?”

Rather coarse voice, The Brigadier thought, cannot believe it is female.

A rather strong looking woman seems to be in her thirties, The Brigadier observed, as she emerged from the TARDIS, with red hair and brown eyes.  Handsome, he supposed.  

“Who are you?” the woman asked him as she frowned.  “What are ya gawping at?”

The Brigadier was about to reply when he heard another voice come from the depths: “Donna, this is 1660’s London.  Peaceful when King Charles The Second took over... Rather fun actually though was not the best looking suit in the...”

The Brigadier blinked again as he saw a thin man in a blue suit step out shortly after.  Red trainers and a long brown coat.  Wild brown hair and eyes that matched his hair.  A rather prominent adam’s apple that seemed to have a life of its own.  The man seemed interested in the storm raging outside.

“TIME STORM!” he hissed.  “This is not supposed to happen.”

“Doctor, did they have khaki in seventeenth century England?” Donna asked.  

“Of course they did not!” The Doctor swung round.  Immediately his eyes widened smiling joyfully at who was standing there and he strode up to The Brigadier.  “Wow!” he exclaimed.  “Brigadier Alastair Gordon Lethbridge-Stewart! Time does not seem to change you I seem to remember you being a lot older when I last set eyes on you... Which would have been... My Seventh... Ah, that jumper!” The Doctor’s eyes misted over as he thought of that jumper.  “Would have been... Morgaine and Mordred... How are ya?” The Doctor took hold of a stunned Brigadier’s hand and shook it hard.  

“I am sorry, but I do not know what you are talking about!” The Brigadier exclaimed.  “Morgaine and Mordred are mythological beings from Morte D’Arthur!”

“All myths and legends have a basis in fact.  So, how did you get here then?” The Doctor put on a pair of thick black rimmed spectacles.

“Oi, an introduction would be nice!” Donna yelled.

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