August 21st 1993

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Dear (Y/n),

Everything's good here. I'm doing well and so are my parents.

I'm very sorry about Beauxbatons and all. There's not so much I can do to help you, so just be positive and do your best, you'll fit in for sure. By the way, your French English is quite good.

Have you ever heard of Sirius Black, the serial killer who's just escaped from Azkaban? The ministry's aware of Potter's safety, so they're sending dementors to Hogwarts this year. Frankly, I don't like the idea much. I know a bit about dementors and nothing about them sounds good. People say they kind of take away all your happiness so that you become depressed. And they 'kiss'. Sounds disgusting, doesn't it? It basically means they suck out your soul through your mouth. Trust me, being soulless is even worse than dying. Wherever dementors go, everything around them gets dark and cold. There's a charm that keeps them away but it's advanced magic, though.

Speaking of school, I kind of admire the headmistress of Beauxbatons. She must have spent ages on those tedious school rules. Could you include some of those in your reply? That'd make things a little more amusing since it's quite boring here. You know, my dad and all his strictness...

I miss you so much, (Y/n). I wish we could meet again. I'll never forget the time we had together, the spell you taught me, your laughs, even your tears. I don't know if I should say this to a 12 year-old girl, but I like you. I always have.


Draco Malfoy.

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