September 3rd, 1993

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Dear (Y/n),
Glad to know that you don't hate Beauxbatons that much. Fleur sounds great, too.
Let me see... There's not so much going on lately here. Just as expected, we have a new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher this year. Remus Lupin. I don't hate him, actually. Not as much as other ones.
I wonder why it's so boring here... People see Crabbe and Goyle as my 'friends' but they're, like you said, muscly idiots. Talking to them is like talking to gargoyles. And there's this girl named Pansy Parkinson, you must have heard of her. I don't know, I just have a feeling that I'm someone 'special' to her. She follows me almost everywhere for a really long time, she makes me feel like I have a tail. Literally a tail. Like a serpent's tail. I don't want to tell her to go away because she's quite mouthy, sometimes that can come in pretty helpful. But you know what she's like...
Homework. Homework. More homework. I know I'm only a third-year and I shouldn't complain about that and there will be even more homework to do as I get older. But homework is killing me. I wish you were still here to help me. Ok I know I shouldn't have mentioned the fact that you're gone and probably we'll never meet again and all that but I miss you.
I guess I can't write to you as frequently as before now. Sorry.
Draco Malfoy.

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