Truth or Dare?

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When you arrive in The Hog's Head, Draco's already there waiting for you.
"Hello."-He smiles, waving-"Have a seat."
"Hi."-You wave back, sitting down on the chair opposite Draco-"So...where's your mother? Narcissa Malfoy, I believe."
"Yeah."-Draco nods-"I'm not quite sure where she is, though. She left the inn right after we got our room, must be something urgent, she kept looking at the time. But why would you need to know that anyway?"
You chuckle:
"Oh, no. I was just asking."-You lie.
You wasn't 'just asking'. You need to know where Narcissa is, since You-Know-Who could have sent her to Hogsmeade to eavesdrop you and Draco's conversation, thus makes it a whole lot easier for him to track your parents down. But The Hog's Head seems deserted, and besides, you trust Draco. If there's something wrong, he must have told you. Draco knows his parents better than you, after all.
"Okay."-Draco grins-"How's it going for you? Are your parents alright?"
"I still have to check on them every night. They didn't let me go home for Christmas and New Year, you see. They said they were busy, but I know they were not."-You sigh heavily-"It's just...why can't they just tell me the truth? Why do they just put that stupid protection on me? Really, I don't want to arrive at home one day to see their soulless bodies."
Draco doesn't reply. He sits still, as though waiting for you to continue. And he's right, you do want to continue.
"They had choices when they were young."-You go on-"They could have chosen to be anything, to do any job. But they chose to be Death Eaters. I will never choose to be one of You-Know-Who's servants, as a matter of fact."
"But you won't have choices when you grow up."-Draco shakes his head-"If your parents get captured or die, you have to replace them as..."
"A Death Eater, I know."-You cut him off-"But I will still have another choice, I'm sure."
"Really? What is it?"
You shrug:
"Well, who says death isn't a choice?"
There's mere silence between the two of you.
"Oh..."-Draco mutters, looking perplexed.
"Not all Slytherins are evil."-You add thoughtfully-"You might be mean, but I bet you're not a killer, Draco. Sometimes in life, you choose the wrong path, but sooner or later, you'll realise that. I think it's important to know that you can turn around and try to find the right path, to make the right choice. Slytherin helps you on your way to greatness, not cruelty."
"Tr-try...?"-Draco murmurs.
"Yes, try."-You nod-"Because not all people have enough time to succeed. But it's never too late to try. My parents worship You-Know-Who, they have realised where their choices will lead them to, but they don't do as I always say. They forbid me to talk to them about changing, because they think it's too late. 'You only put more pressure on me and your father', my mother says. Of course I don't want them to die, but if they do, I want them to die trying. I know how much you admire your parents, but I tell you the truth, because you are my friend. I love my parents, but that's the truth, they chose the wrong path and now they are not brave enough to change. I see them as examples, but bad ones. So when I grow up, I will know what's the right choice to make."
Draco still sits in silence, his eyes fixed on his mug of butterbeer on the table.
"If...if your parents weren't Death Eaters, what would you do when you grow up?"-He asks after a while, looking up at you.
"An Auror."-You answer at once-"I've always wanted to be an Auror. What would you do?"
"I don't know."-Draco mutters-"I've never thought of that. Everything's fixed for me. Death Eater, even if I don't want to."
"Do you want to play a game with me?"-You change the subject, suddenly feeling regretful for asking Draco such a question-"Truth or Dare?"
"But I haven't said yes or no."-Draco says.
"You'll say yes anyway."-You shrug.
"But I haven't..."
"Alright, alright!"-You chuckle-"Yes or no then?"
"Er...yes."-Draco grins.
You both laugh.
"See? I knew you'd agree!"-You giggle-"Ok, Truth or Dare?"
"Truth."-Says Draco.
"Have you ever had a crush on anyone and who is it?"-You fold your arms, still smiling broadly.
Draco blushes.
"Yeah, I have."-He answers awkwardly, scratching his head. He's not looking directly at you anymore, but at the butterbeer-"She's sitting opposite me and she looks beautiful today. Well, she looks beautiful everyday actually..."
You feel your cheeks redden and you can't stop chuckling.
"Okay so...Truth or Dare?"-Draco asks after a moment or two.
"I dare finish your mug."-Draco says, chuckling.
"What? No way!"-You laugh-"I'll die, yes, but not today!"
The innkeeper throws you two a scowl.
"Nope. Drink up (Y/n)."-Draco shakes his head.
You sigh and hold your mug. You take gulp after gulp, wondering when the horrible, unpleasant taste will finally be washed off your mouth. Probably never.
You put the mug down and start coughing.
"Done..."-You say weakly, still coughing-"Merlin's bloody beard! That thing could've killed me!"-You exclaim.
The innkeeper drops and breaks something in his kitchen.
Draco applauds:
"Braver than any Gryffindor!"-He jokes.
"I...I really miss Hogwarts."-Your smile falls.
"I'm sorry."-Draco stops laughing-"I shouldn't have mentioned..."
"Apology accepted."-You nod-"Remember? I said that to you last year..."
"Hey, whoever you are, you're a coward."-Draco smiles-"Remember that?"
"Yeah, I really was wrong about you."-You grin-"Wow, it's almost midnight."-You look out the window, the roads of Hogsmeade are all crowded, people have gone outside together to celebrate New Year-"I don't want to be late for the countdown. C'mon!"-You raise from your chair, grab Draco's hand you two run out of The Hog's Head.
There are so many people around you, mostly couples. Draco clutches your hand tighter when a young couple share a kiss.
Someone shouts: "Ten!"
And so the countdown starts. You and Draco join in.
You turn to look at Draco, who's beaming at you.
Everyone lights up their wands.
"Lumos."-You and Draco say in unison.
People seem to have moved closer to each other, maybe because of the cold. They wish others a happy new year, couples kiss, hug, hold you and Draco. You pull Draco closer to you.
"Remember this?"-You ask.
"Yeah, you saved my life the last time you did it."-Draco nods.
You and Draco are closer to each other than ever, hand in hand.
Suddenly, a firework comes soaring into the air and explodes with jets of all colours. There are more, many more fireworks being shot and one by one, they explode, lighting up the sky.
"Wow that's...that's beautiful."-You say, your eyes twinkling.
"Are we still playing Truth or Dare?"-Draco asks unexpectedly.
"Yeah. Truth."-You answer with a slight nod.
"Do you like me?"-Draco says tentatively.
"I do! A lot!"-You reply without hesitation, your eyes still fixed on the sky-"Your turn. Truth or Dare?"
You blush then turn to him.
"I dare you to kiss me."

Wooooooooooo! Finally! Some romance yayyyy!!❤️
I know some of you have been waiting for this for a really really long time. So here it is!💕
👉QOTD: When was your first kiss?
👉AOTD: Lol believe it or not, mine hasn't come yet✌️

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