Chapter 4-akwardness

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Rose POV-
I woke up to the smell of pancakes.
Ashton was still sleeping. He looked so cute. I looked over at the clock it was 10:36. Wow I am up early. Since I had no clothes on I quietly got up trying not to wake Ashton. I ran to my closet and grabbed a green day tank top with some black skinny jeans and undergarments.
I slipped it on and ran down stairs. Just as I had suspected Luke was making pancakes.
"Good morning love bird" luke chuckled
"Oh shut up" I chuckled as well
"BOO" Michael yelled
Michael came up from behind me ad scared the shit out of me
"Hahahaha I got you good" him and Luke where both laughing hysterically by now so I joined in
"Hahahaha HAhahahaha HAHAHAHAHHAH" I yelled
I felt gross and decided to go take a shower.
"Bye" yelled Luke still giggling
"Good byeeeeee" I held the "E"
I rushed up stairs ran into my room and locked the door I turned around forgetting Ashton was in there. He stood there looking at me. I tried to look away but I couldn't. Our eyes met and latched. It was so akward.
"I- i am really sorry-" I managed to whisper
"It's okay i still love you the same"he said in a deep but soft voice.
"Well I need to g-go take a shower" I whispered
"Okay I love you." He whispered and walked out the door
I took my clothes off ad turned on the shower and jumped in. I let the warm water run over my face and down my leg and down to the drain.
"Try hard try hard"went the door bell
I wondered who it was for a seconds and then honestly didn't care who it was. I just let the warm water take off all of my stress. starting to wonder who was at the door
Who is at the door? What will happen next? I will try to update tommorow. Sorry if this sucks bc it's my first book so ya thx -haileyyyyy💘

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