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NCT x Reader (OC) Fanfiction
TW :
violence and language, deaths
Reverse harem, Crossovers, Original Character as the protagonist...
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Ten led us back to the common room where we all had met earlier, where I met Prince Yangyang.
I met Jaehyun's eyes as soon as the doors were opened and he had those looks in his eyes. Like he was sorry, like he pitied me.
I immediately noticed the scroll that he was holding.
I wasn't ready. The fact that Ten looked worried, and Jaehyun had a wistful look in his eyes, I had a bad feeling.
Jaehyun walked to me slowly, but I was too scared to move. I swallowed and breathed in, before snatching the scroll from his hands calmly.
I didn't rush, I didn't panic, I wanted to believe that this would be a good news. However unlikely it may seem considering everything that has happened.
I finally opened up the scroll,
Dear Lili,
By the time you're reading this, you might be wondering why I wrote to you. Well, I'm writing because I don't know how else I am able to reach you. For all I know this letter might not even get to you.
Ever since you left, things had gone pretty bad. Everyone panicked and they took down the barrier around the city. No monsters showed up, but almost everyone left. Jennie and Irene taught me how to hunt in the woods, because the vampires who left the city had cleared out every single blood bags that we had. Ever since then, I have been experiencing bizarre moments, like waking up in places I shouldn't be at, or reach.
I woke up at our home, in the Safe Zone.
It took me every bit of my sanity to make sense of what I was experiencing, that I was really there at our house.
Then I thought of you, and Renjun, because I didn't know if I could ever go back. And when I opened my eyes, I was right next to Renjun, in Lotus City. Then I tried to think of you, hoping that my mind would do the same, but it never did. Where are you, Lili?
My mind can only take me as far to the places that I have been, or seen.
I wrote this letter to tell you that I have left Lotus. I want to find out more about my new ability, and where it will take me. Please don't worry and don't bother to look for me because I too don't know where my next stop would be.
Bu I hope I can see you soon.
Love, Jaemin
I stared at the letter, no words were coming out of my mouth.
When I finally blinked, my grip on it became hot and I let the fire out, burning the scroll. Its ashes fell to the ground slowly.