Chapter 44

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The back of my neck was burning. My body felt so heavy.

I nudged the source of the pain, I let out a small grunt.

"Don't worry," Hwasa said as she walked to the door. "The pain will fade as time goes, you'll be fine after you eat."

She opened the door and spoke the the guys.

It was hard to keep my eyes open. It felt like a large portion of my energy had been drained off of me.

The headaches started to come. It's the curse. It's reacting again.

Hwasa told me her plan, and I think it's very smart.

Now only I can open the seal and hand it to the Olympians.

"Can't we go in?"

I heard Jaehyun's voice.

"Nope." Hwasa said.

"It's okay Hwasa! Let them come if they want to." I managed to say.

Not a second later, I heard a loud thud, like heavy things were falling to the ground.

Hwasa's grunts caught my attention. She was holding her head and slowly cowering down to her knees.

Did we get ambushed again?

No, please. Not when I'm like this. I am not in a condition to fight right now.

"H-Hwasa?" I stammered but it came out as faint whisper.

Silence filled the air, and I was too scared to move. Something is not right. Are the guys okay? What's happening outside??

I held my breath, I was too scared to make even the slightest noise.

The door creaked open slowly. Revealing a black sword with dark purple halo blanketing it. Holding it, was a white haired guy.

"Taeyong!" I cried a relief. "What happened?"

His eyes were dark, and he locked his gaze with me as he walked closer in a slow manner.

"W—Where's Hendery? A—and Mark— and—"

Damn it! Why am I stuttering?? And what is going on? Why is Hwasa unconscious on the floor?

"W—what happened to Hwasa? Is she alright?"

"She is," Taeyong said gravely. "I put her to sleep." He said, as he got closer, and closer.

"W—why did you do that?" I panicked. "Stop! You're scaring me! Where is Yuta—"

"Oh I put them all to sleep." He smirked, which lasted only a fraction of seconds, before he stared at me impassively again.

It sent shivers down my spine.

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