Pensée n°6 BIS

33 6 6

Sur demande d' @EviLAB07, voici la version anglaise du poème que j'ai publié dans le chapitre d'avant (il n'y a par contre pas de rimes, parce que j'ai pas réussis à réfléchir à comment faire en anglais)

I'm small,

But I have big dreams.

I'm shy,

But I often have ideas.

I'm afraid of failure,

But I always try to persevere.

I'm a dreamer,

But I can keep my feet on the ground.

I am conscientious,

But damn I'm messy !

I am frank,

But I don't like to hurt people.

I would like to go higher,

But I'm afraid of falling.

I would like to travel,

But I'm afraid of losing myself.

I would like to help,

But I have my own problems

I would like to express myself,

But I'm afraid of being ridiculous.

I would like to succeed in making decisions,

But I'm so afraid of going the wrong way.

I would like to be less stubborn,

But I prefer to hang on to my ideas.

I am everything and its opposite,

I am just me.

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