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I woke up bright and early, surprisingly, in a good mood. Maybe because I was bringing Wes to work with me and that he was going to be training with Rhett.

I finished brushing my teeth and went to go wake up Weston. I walked in his room and looked towards the bed to find him curled up in a ball still passed out cold.

Sitting on the empty spot next to him I slowly start singing and shaking him slightly. "Gooooood morning to you, good morning to you, gooooooooood morning to wessie gooooooooood morning to you"

Weston started laughing and turned over with a big smile on his face.

"Good morning sleepy head, are you ready to go to the pack house with me today?"
"Uh yeah!!!" He shouted, immediately wiggling past me and running to the bathroom to brush his teeth and hair.
"We're leaving in 15 minutes, okay?"
"Okay momma"

Walking downstairs, I immediately walk towards the kitchen to make us a bagel. I didn't want him to be starving on the first day of his training. Probably should have thought of something more hardy than a bagel but it's too late now. Maybe Rhett will make lunch for them.

With the warm bagels and cream cheese in my hand I yelled up to Weston.

"Weston! Come on sweetie we have to go"

Right on que I hear tiny feet moving quickly down the stairs.

Ignoring the last few steps, he jumped off the second to last one and landed on his feet smiling wide.

"Careful, don't wanna hurt yourself before training"
"Momma that was soooo easy though"

I handed him his bagel with cream cheese and nodded my head "I'm sure it is"

Walking out to the car, I noticed how excited Wes was. He was skipping to the back seat of the car while death gripping his bagel.

"You excited buddy?" I asked as we got into the car and buckled up.
"This is the amazingest thing to happen ever" he said while shoving a bite from the bagel into his mouth.
"That sounds pretty amazing"
"That's cause it is" he laughed.

He let out a little "yes!" As we pulled out of the driveway onto the road. He was so ready to be training like an like a warrior...like an alpha.

Pulling onto the road of the pack houses main entrance, Wes got very quiet and sunk down into his chair. I eyed him in the review mirror and whispered "are you okay bud?" While pulling up to the gate to show them who I am, which they already know by now but they have to check everyday I come in.

"You're good, go through Mrs. Miller. Welcome to the pack house Weston!"

I looked back and noticed the big smile on his face knowing that the guard knew his name. He was so happy.

"This is already so awesome"

I laughed and pulled into the back of the house parking area. Walking into the pack house, I turn around to see Weston's mouth wide open in awe at the house. We lived in the city so he always saw small condos not houses. Especially houses as big as this one.

I smelled him coming down the stairs, he must have known we were here.

"There's my man!" I heard Rhett shout.
"Alpha Rhett!!" Weston ran up to him and did a small little salute type of thing to make Rhett happy. The smile off of Rhett's face was priceless, it made me happy knowing that they were a perfect match. It's Rhett just a smaller copy.

I really was now hoping no one would notice just how similar they really are. It made me slowly doubt my decision of letting Rhett train him.

"Alright, come give your poor mom a kiss because I know I won't see you for the rest of the day."

I leaned down and embraced my son in a bug hug and kissed him on the forehead.

"Love you buddy, have fun"
"Love you momma"

I stood up and brushed the small wrinkles away from my pants, making eye contact with Rhett.

"I'll keep an eye out for him, you have nothing to worry about"
"Thanks," I said, giving him a small smile "y'all have fun."

And with that, both of them turned on their heels and quickly walked out of the doorway of my office, racing downstairs.

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