Chapter 13

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I sit in the war room, listening to the people arguing over their strategies. I don't want to be here, listening to all the lives lost and the difficulties getting supplies. All the shortcomings that they have had because they didn't have their precious little mockingjay to replay their messages. I glance over at Peeta and shake my head. He reaches over and squeezes my hand.

"I'm sorry, but what does any of this have to do with me?" I say finally and everyone quiets down and stares at me. The leader of District 13, President Coin, comes forward and looks down her nose at me. 

"You are the one who sparked this war, Miss Everdeen," She says coldly, " You are the reason that every little girl in every district thought they could pick up a weapon and fight for their freedom. That people, innocent people, are dying because you fired an arrow against the Capital's oppression." I look at her and shake my head.

"This compound is heaping full of nuclear weapons," I say. "You all dress like soldiers. This war was inevitable." 

"But you're the spark that hit the powder keg," She says harshly. "We could have went another lifetime without this war occuring." I stare at her and slowly, shakily, gripping onto my cane.

"And how many more children would you have seen destroyed by this?" I ask. "Destroyed like all the tiny coffins in the graveyard behind the justice building. A hundred years, that is 1,200 children put up as offerings to capital that reaps us as simply as we sould reap a plant, picking us like flowers and happily watching us wither. Those of us who are left are no better than a dried flower on a windowsill. We are stuck in a permanent state of decay that no amount of money or adornments thrown our way will ever be able to repair. And it isn't just us who suffered. Our families when we never come home, our friends we grew up with who said why me? Our children who wait slowly for the day they will inevitably be ripped from our grasp. We will never be able to come back from that. You would allow so many people to suffer until someone like me would step forward and stand up for myself? Are you really that reckless with the lives that you claim to be protecting here, Madam President?" She chuckles and shakes her head.

"Exactly why you are the one who must continue this charge, Miss Everdeen," She says and I remain standing. "You know their suffering far more than we would." 

"I just do not understand what it would be that you would want from me?" I ask and she moves around me. I glance at Peeta and grimace as she stops behind me. 

"You need to be seen fighting for us, Katniss," She says. "That despite your condition, your torture, your spirit remains unbroken. You fight for a better world for your child. " I look at her and shake my head. 

"Don't you think that you've had enough children caught in the crossfire of this war," I ask and she looks at me. 

"You made, yourself a symbol, not me," Coin says. "However, I don't think we should waste the opportunity. After all, you do want a better life for that lovely little girl of yours, right?" I glance at Peeta and then look down. 

"Of course I do," I say, "I'm just not sure what use I am in being here. I'm a seventeen year old girl who hasn't been trained as a soldier."

"We will use different visions, you walking among the people, playing with your baby, as inspiration, and hope to the districts," She says walking back around the table. 

"I will not have my daughter exploited like this," I say calmly and she looks over at my husband.

"Did you not tell your lovely 'wife' here about the deal you made to get her back, Peeta," She asks in a taunting tone. I look at him and he looks away.

"What is she talking about?" I ask. "What deal did you make?" He doesn't say anything to me as I stare him. I shake my head and sit down. 

"Now that you understand, you do realize that you have to serve the needs of the new republic to keep the immunity from the war crimes you committed under capital control," She says. I look up at her and nod slowly.

"What is it that is needed from me?" I ask. 

"Next week, you, your husband, and your child , will be going to a hospital for refugee children in 8 in two days time for a propaganda video we plan to make," Coin says and I just look as Peeta as he finally decides to speak.

"Luna is barely six weeks old and Katniss still uses a wheelchair a majority of the time," He says. "How is sending those two into a war zone even remotely following the deal we made. I asked for immunity and their safety in exchange for access to Luna as long as we lived here." 

"Why would you have agreed to that at all?" I ask as I look at Peeta and he shoots me a sorry look. "Peeta?" He shakes his head. 

"Whatever his reasoning, a contract was made and signed as agreement between the rebellion and the head of your household," President Coin says. "The three of you will be transported to the hospital with a protection detail headed by Captain Hawthorne and a camera crew run by Miss Cressida here." She gestures to the young woman to the side, her hair shaved on one side with vine tattoos over it.  

"I'm guessing there is no comprise to be made then?" I ask and she nods. I push myself up and look around the room. "Then I guess we are done here until Friday when you come with whatever motherly garb you decide I need to be dressed in." I turn around and limp out of the room, not caring if anyone calls me back. I start down the hall and I hear footsteps behind me. 

"Katniss, please let me explain!" I hear Peeta say after me and I shake my head limping towards our quarters.

"You know, I really don't have time for you right now," I say. "I need to go take care of your bargaining chip." I hear him sigh behind me.

"That isn't how it happened," He says and I turn to him. 

"How long have they been taping her?" I ask.  He looks at his hands. "Were they through that two way glass as I almost died giving birth to her. Did they make a spectacle of her from the second she took her first breath?" 

"It was to save you, Katniss," he says. "You don't understand how terrible it was to have to see what they turned you into. You were suffering and the only way I could get you out of there was, the only way I could have ever seen you or my daughter ever again, was to agree to do the propaganda." I shake my head and place my cane back under me. 

"You still sold our daughter, Peeta," I say shaking my head. "So excuse me for not understanding that you exploited us without our knowledge." I start back towards the dormitory. I unlock the door and see Prim playing on the floor with my baby. I fake a smile as I walk over to them and carefully move unto the floor and smile at my giggling baby. 

"Hi Butterfly," I whisper, "Have you been good?" She giggles waves her hand around. Prim smiles and gets up.

"She's been great, Katniss," Prim says. "It's still so amazing, how she should still be in your belly and she looks and acts like any other healthy two month old baby." I nod.

"It was part of that drug concoction that they gave me," I say. "Dr. Jane said that the best she can figure is that they used some sort of enzyme that broke down my fat stores and converted it into progressive steroid hormones. It accelerated my pregnancy by nearly double and depleted my energy to nearly nothing." I look at my baby and I shake my head. 

"How are you doing now?" She asks and I shrug. 

"I'm managing, although the news that Peeta sold us isn't exactly setting to well," I say softly and Prim sighs. 

"Katniss, three months ago, all you were was a liability and they didn't want to worry about bringing you, or any of the rest of the girls who were being kept there," She says. "They were fine with just making you and your baby a martyr for their cause. Peeta did what he did to save you, because it was the only way you would ever be able to survive this war." I look down and shake my head, kissing my baby. I hear the door click as Peeta comes in, but I just don't feel like looking up. I lay my hand gently on her cheek and suddenly a loud ringing starts. I look up and look around. 

"What's happening?" I ask and Prim glances at Peeta as he comes over. Prim picks up my baby and I look at Peeta. "Peeta?" He leans down and helps me up.

"We gotta go," is all he says and I plant my feet.

"No, not until one of you tells me what is going on," I say. Peeta looks at me gently and shakes his head. 

"It's an airstrike, Katniss," He says gently, "We have to get to the bomb shelter at the bottom of the district before they get here." I feel my heart beating so hard it hurts and I crumple to the ground.

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