Chapter Eight:

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"Let me explain." 


"It was an accident and I-" 

"You killed me!"

Immie shook her head, looking away from him. She couldn't bring herself to meet his eyes, the eyes of the man who'd killed her. Immie leaned on the edge of the desk, pushing her hair out of her face as she shook her head, thinking her death all over. Though she couldn't remember as much as she needed to right now. "Why are you here then?" asked Immie. 

"I also took my own life when I hit you. I crashed into another car," admitted Brown. "The woman in the opposite car lived. Miner damage." 

"You stepped out of the car," whispered Immie, not able to take everything in. "I saw you." 

Brown shook his head, his glasses almost falling off of his face. He looked into the corner of the room and then faced her. "I made sure your soul didn't meet back with your body for two weeks," said Brown. "That was enough time to get into your head and make you see what I wanted you to see. Everything from when you awoke in the hospital is real." 

Furious, Immie gripped the file and stormed past Brown, shoving his shoulder. He tried to run after her, but she slammed the door in his face. She wiped away faint tears with her forefinger and opened her eyes. Immie walked through the office. 

As she walked past Sophia, who was trying to say she couldn't stop Brown from walking into his office, she dropped the keys of the black paper and disappeared out of the door. It lead her to a park where she remembered going as a young child when she was angry or upset. It was somewhere she hadn't needed for a while. 

Children who had travelled from Earth to here just like Immie ran around the slide, laughing. "How can you be so happy in a world like this?" whispered Immie, enough so they couldn't hear her. 

She took a seat on the swingset where she sat alone, still collecting everything together. After a few minutes of listening to the soft wind blow leaves around her feet, Immie gripped the chains that held the swing and began to swing back and forth a little.

Somebody sat on the swing next to her, but she didn't care to look. But when that person sighed, Immie grew a frown upon her face and turned her head away from Brown. "How did you find me?" she asked, sniffling.

"As your guide I know everything about you," he said.

"I don't need a guide," hissed Immie.

"Just let me explain," pleaded Brown. When Immie took a deep breath without arguing with him, Brown continued. "When I was still alive, before the accident, I was an arrogant business man. Each and every day I was making thousands. The day I took both of our lives, there was traffic. I was late for work and after the traffic I went over the speed limit. I did try to stop but it was to late. After I crossed over to the other world I was the one who decided to become your guide. It's a start to say sorry but I agree I owe you so much more. You don't know how sorry I am. It was a foolish move...."

Immie nodded. She turned to look at him as he gazed at his feet. "Well, I don't suppose hating you will do anything," said Immie.

She held out her hand to him and he greatfully took it, smiling.

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