||Chapter 5||

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"Hmm, Null. Frickin Glitchy as Nether dude. Error is literally a Glitch. I wanted to have villains that travel across stories to save my brain from thinking too much and add consistency throughout my general universes. I'm facing writers block on Error 404 series. Uh...... OH I KNOW! NULL GET YOUR LAZY BUTT OVER HERE YOU'RE ALLIED WITH ERROR NOW DEAL WITH IT!!"


Error's POV:

The past few days were troubling. There was always this dark feeling lurking in the back of my head. It felt...... Powerful. And as much as it hurts my ego to say this, much more powerful than me.

"Hmph, I would've thought better of you...... Glitches," A voice said, disapproval clear in its voice. It belonged to a man with smoking, pitch black skin. The only thing you can use to tell his emotions are his actions and his pair of glowing white eyes. The eyes sent spikes of warning all throughout Error's being.

"What? H-Herobrine?" Error stuttered surprised. The man laughed. His laughter echoed around the chamber that they were both in at the moment. He seemed genuinely amused by Error's assumption.

"Was it the eyes? It's definitely the eyes," The man laughed, "No, I am not Herobrine. I'm much more powerful than he is. No matter which copy you were talking about, I'm more powerful." The man was suddenly slapped, and not by Error himself either.

"I beg to differ," A woman appeared next to the man, her dark brown eyes scanned the chamber and her black hair were braided by a purple ribbon.  Her skin had a slight yellow tint and she wore a shoulderless white dress with purple linings. Her flats were also purple.

"That was uncalled for!" The man snapped, "You were facing writer's block, you asked me to come here and help you. And this is the treatment I get?!"

"Your arrogance were getting on my nerves," The woman replied, a smug smirk on her face.

"My arrogance-- You gave me my arrogance!" The man said, "Be a little more grateful, will you? I came OUT of my way to help, and this is what I get? I should ignore you next time."

"Considering that I'm literally in control over you, you better do as I say," The woman said, "And going out of your way? This world is literally on the way to the world you wanted to invade. Now I'm going to leave you to explain everything to our dear acquaintance Rotiart."

"How did you know my name?" Error demanded, "Who are you?? What are you???"

"Well, I'm Fate. I think that answers all three of your questions," Fate grinned, "Don't even think about trying anything on me, you'll find yourself in a tough predicament. See you! I got to deal with something that deserves to burn in the deepest depths of the Nether." And just like that, she was gone.

"I hate her sometimes," The man muttered before looking up, "Hello, I believe we have yet to introduce ourselves. My name is Null, I'm the King of the Shadows, and I am pleased to make your acquaintance." The sarcasm were more than obvious from his voice. Error gathered himself, he was impressed that Null managed to compose himself after getting slapped.

"My name and title is Error 404, King of the Glitches. I am pleased to make your acquaintance" Error said, mimicking Null, "Can I ask something? Who was that woman?"

Null huffed, "Her name is classified. She lets people call her Fateweaver, or Fate for short. She's infuriating, she's annoying, and someone you don't want to piss off, I have to give her that. She is also the person behind all your misery, and you wouldn't exist without her. Yes, Fate, I'm telling him all that, stop going off at me in my head about security and shit."

"What?" Error asked, bewildered.

"She likes to keep tabs on me," Null replied simply, "She told me to hold back to make it a fair play, but you are not holding back, and I'm here to ensure that whenever you don't hold back, you'll be Nether hard to defeat. Don't go off at me about your accomplishments. My own accomplishments might not be documented at this time of release, but I assure you that it's much more than all you will ever have."

Error suddenly realized what the woman, Fate, had meant about Null being arrogant.

"And what do you want in return?" Error asked.

"Nothing. I was only here because Fate threatened to delay my official release. It sucks being under the radar. It sucks just being a side character too, but it's better than just existing in teasers without naming me. Oh shut up," Null said, looking around and generally being unimpressed.

"I was not speaking," Error said.

"No, I wasn't talking to you-- Stop laughing damnit!" Null snapped, mad all of a sudden. Error realized that when Null meant for Fate to keep tabs on him, he meant that she's literally talking in his head.

"Alright, what's the first order of business?" Error asked. Null grinned quite creepily.

"Ender is going to fricking hate me, but even you have to admit it has to be done. We need to get the Ender Watchers out of the picture," Null said.

"That early?" Error asked, confused, "I think that we should stop those pesky humans from reaching Sky."

"Face it. Fate likes those people. They're going to reach Sky no matter what. They have this thing I like to call 'Plot Armour'. You won't be able to kill them, not now, at least. The Ender Watchers, however, does not have Plot Armour, since they are supposed to be dead. You want to be quick, Fate is bound to intervene," Null said, "Plus, I hate the End. They need to go."

"I don't particularly trust you," Error said bluntly, "Just because some mysterious woman who claims she's Fate told you to help me, doesn't mean I have to follow your advice."

Mysterious woman who claims she's Fate. Honey, I am Fate, and you better start believing that if you don't want your ass handed to you on a platter.

Error jumped backwards in surprise at the voice in his head. Null chuckled.

"Yeah, she can do that. Now you going to listen to me, or no? If no, your loss," Null said. Error gulped and nodded.

"Yeah, let's go after the End," Error said.



Also, as you can see, I put Fate in as an actual character here. If you read my announcement about my new username, here's what I wanted to do! And now, don't you get confused about Ellie. Fate and Ellie are both me! Let me explain.

Fate is who I appear to be to my characters: Fate. i control their actions (Cause I'm the almighty author), and so there it is. Fate is commonly how I show up to villains and important events cause let's be honest now, Error and Null isn't going to look at a 13 year old girl and think: Wow, she's powerful. Let's listen to her! (Yeah, I'm 13 and Wattpad can't ban me for being not of age to use their website now! *Has previous account flashbacks*)

Ellie is who I really am. A kid who likes writing and had a frick ton of imagination. Also used for when I feel wonky and want to utterly break the Fourth Wall in a comedic manner.

I can also decide to switch from Fate and Ellie whenever I want to, cause I'm the Author and I have the power to do that.

Until next time!

The Dragons {Book 2 to the Error 404 Series}Where stories live. Discover now