:Art: (11)

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You patted the seat next to you when Renjun walks into the class you share. Usually, you had sat alone in this period because you had no other friends in it. He smiled shyly and graciously sat there.

"Good morning," you greet happily as you doodle in your notebook. He looks over at what you were creating, his shoulder brushing up against yours. You blush and scoot over with a shy laugh. "It's not that good, but it's a cute little cat face."

He smiles warmly at you. "It's cute. Are you in any art classes?"

You nod. "Drawing and digital art, what about you?"

His smile widens in an instant. "Same!"

You smile back at him. "I think I've seen you there, but I get zoned out when I work on my art."

"Me too," he nods in agreement. "It's no problem."

The teacher calling for attention caused you to jump slightly in your seat, looking up at him. You heard Renjun softly laugh at you and you elbow him in the side. He whines but you just send him an innocent smile.

You take basic notes during the class, trying your best not to completely space out. The teacher had such a monotonous voice that you've always struggled to tune into. You look over at Renjun when the teacher goes to sip out of the same coffee cup he drinks out of every day. He was drawing, and this time you scoot closer to him to look at what he was drawing. Two little Moomin were holding hands and smiling at each other with blushes on their cheeks.

"Yah!" He whispered harshly, pulling his notebook away. You whine and chase him, looking at the paper closer.

"It's so cute!" You whisper exclaim, smiling brightly.

He looks over at you with sparkling brown eyes. "You think so?"

"Of course! Your art style is really pretty," you gush, watching his smile widen.

"Thanks," he breathes out happily.

"Good luck, text me if you need anything!" You tell him when the bell rings.

"Thanks," he smiles again and scratches the back of his neck.

Finally, the bell rings once again for lunch. You go downstairs to the cafeteria with Yuna because you share the class right before lunch with her. You sit at the table you always do, pulling out your lunchbox.

The others come up with their lunches.

"I'm beyond done with the dumb ass guys in our school," Chaeryeong scoffs.

Yeji groans as she sits next to the ranting girl. "She can say that again. There was a huge group of them in the line and they were pushing each other. Swear to God, I almost fell over."

"Nothing new, though," Lia sighs.

You look for him and wave to him and he starts walking over to you guys

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You look for him and wave to him and he starts walking over to you guys. He sits across from you, thankful that none of the other girls sat there.

They all introduce themselves and he shyly introduces himself in return.

"Okay so!" Yuna says, excitedly clapping her hands together. "We need to have you meet more people that we think you'd be friends with!"

His heart thumps and he tightens his grip on his knee. He just nods and tries to give a reassuring smile, but you can tell he's uncomfortable.

"We actually have a couple of art classes together and we had one together this morning, so we can look there," you put in, hoping it would calm his anxiety a bit. His face eases, but only slightly. He nods at your idea.

"That sounds good."

"We could join the art club together, too," you offer. "I've been wanting to join it but they aren't into it as much. I didn't want to go alone."

He smiles and nods. "That would be fun."

"It was great meeting you, Renjun," Yeji smiles when lunch is over.

"You too," he smiles, and for the first time, you notice the small dimple that appears. It made your heart flutter. As time goes on, you've noticed more and more small details about him that cause you to feel foreign emotions. They weren't negative, though. It's like a mix of happiness and nervousness. Enjoyable nervousness.

You walk next to Renjun, on your way to the art classroom. The crowded halls cause your hands to brush up against each other's. You look over at him to see what his reaction is. He mirrored you, smiling softly when your eyes lock.

You smile back, feeling as if you're in a different world until you reach the classroom. You sit down where you usually do, across from Yangyang and Winwin.

Renjun pulled up a chair to the side and sat down.

"Hi, I'm Yangyang, and this is Winwin," Yangyang says, motioning to the boy next to him as well.

"My Korean is a little weak, I'm from China. Sorry," Winwin blushes.

"Wait really?" Renjun returns in Chinese. (Chinese will be in bold)

They look at him in surprise. "Yeah. Are you too?"

He nods. "I grew up there but my parents wanted me to move here. My mom came with me."

They smile. "That's cool. If you need translation help I can," Yangyang offers.

Renjun beams. "I really appreciate that, thank you."

He looks back over you, who is watching the exchange in confusion. "What?" Is all you say and they laugh.

"Renjun's Chinese too!" says Yangyang.

"Oooh cool!" You exclaim.

"Cute," Renjun whispers to himself and the teacher begins the lesson.

A/N: After I hadn't posted a chapter in a couple days I wanted to post more to make up for that. So, here this is!

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