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It had been 9 months since your parents returned home. Your dad promised that he would stay home for a whole year. It was the longest period he's stayed home in years. You were nearing the end of your senior year of high school. Renjun was studying art in college, sharing a dorm room with a fairly quiet girl who stayed in her bed a lot of the time, sketching animals in her sketchbook. She put a warning note on the door every once in a while, requesting for Renjun to not come inside because she needed full focus on her studies. He would respect and understand that, finding a different place to spend time at.

He texted you often, giving you updates on his classes. You would do the same. You facetimed nearly every single night. Tonight was the same as always, peering at your adorable boyfriend through the phone. He was actually in a car, you looked at him with a tilted head.

"Why're you in the car?" you ask with a giggle.

"We're just driving somewhere, don't worry about it," he explains, turning the camera to show his roommate driving. She waves with a smile.

"Hi, Miyoung!" You exclaim. You like her a lot. She's never caused Renjun any problems,  she's very friendly. You've been wanting to properly meet her for a while.

"Are you home, baby?" Renjun turns his camera back to him.

You nod. "My parents and I are just relaxing for today."

"That's good, I'm happy you're relaxing."

"I take it you are, too?"

He nods. "Oh, yeah! Totally."

"I have this gut feeling that you're lying."

"I'm not, I promise." 

"Y/n, you have a visitor," your dad says after about an hour. A small yet excited smile graced his features. You follow after him, opening the front door. 

"Miyoung? What are you doing here? How did you even get my address?" You ramble on and on. 

She laughs, stepping to the side to reveal your beaming boyfriend.

"RENJUN!" You gasp, running into his arms. 

"Hi baby, gosh I missed you so much," he mumbles into your hair.

"I missed you. How are you here?"

"Just finished a semester."

You squeal in delight, hanging onto him. He holds you up by your thighs, peppering kisses on your cheek and jaw. You can feel his soft giggle through your screeching. His mom comes out of his house, greeting him when you two finally tear away from each other. 

They hug for a while, parting when his mom has a question. "Baby?" She affectionately asks Renjun, he blushes.

"Yes, mama?"

"Have you seen dad?"

"What? No? Why would I?" He asks.

"I think it's unlikely because I've been here," a voice is heard from right outside their front door. You look over, seeing his dad. You've met him a couple of times before when you were outside. You smile at him, getting a smile in return. 

"Dad?" His eyes widen. His dad chuckles and walks over to him, expectantly opening his arms. Renjun smiles, hugging him. "It's been forever," he murmured as he pulled away. "How did you get a break, isn't work really busy?"

His dad smiles fondly at him. "Your mom kept persuading me to come here. I know I'll miss home, but this is what best for you. The schools here fit you better. Just by looking at you, I can tell you're happy. Maybe it's not all the school, but your pretty Y/n," he teases.

"How long are you staying, then?" Renjun asks.

Mr. Huang hums. "Long as I live."

His eyes widen, smiling brightly. "Are we going to visit home still?"

"Of course. I'm gonna miss home."

"I do too, we'll visit I promise."

You, of course, understand none of their conversations. That doesn't mean you can't appreciate how purely happy he is at this moment. You couldn't help but feel that life was falling perfectly into place. 

A/n: And this story is over! I wrote this story a while ago but rewrote it so it wouldn't be as cringy lol. I have a few drafts, but I think I'll be releasing them one by one. 

The next fic will be of Jaehyun, based around Summer camp, as Summer is quickly approaching! (Maybe I'm jumping the gun on this a little bit, but I'm really excited okayyyy)

Thanks for reading this mess, I hope that my future work will be more impressive! 

XOXO, Stan Loona

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