Sleepy Release (Belphie/NSFW)

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A/N: this is a gender neutral reader although a smut :)
ps. i'm so sorry for the name that was the best thing i could think of-
Incredibly hot.
That's all I could think about as I woke up from my deep sleep, it was extremely hot in here. I was staying in the twins' room for the night as I had run to my lover, Belphegor, for comfort after a very vivid nightmare. I turn to look at Belphie asleep beside me, smiling softly. 'It's quite hot in here but, I don't see a heater or anything. I guess it's just Belphie's body heat.' I tell myself, squirming away from him a small bit, just enough to where he still held me by my waist as he slept but also wasn't smothering me either. I looked at the clock on the bed stand to see it was only around 12am. 'Huh, guess I didn't sleep for long. I should probably just go back to sleep, I've only slept around 2 hours and Belphie said he wanted to go on a date tomorrow...' I blinked a couple times, my eyelids getting heavier by the second, and let myself slip into sleep once more.

Again, extremely hot... and sticky?
I turn my head, looking over at Belphie, still asleep. And both of us are dripping in sweat. 'He's adorable when he sleeps but damn, why does he have to be an eternal heater even when it's at least 70 degrees outside!' I try once more to squirm out of his hold a little bit, only to be furiously yanked back towards him. I yelped softly, a soft blush present on my face. After looking at him once more, I found he was still asleep. The clock told me it was 2am and that I'd gotten only 4 hours of sleep all in all already, making me internally cringe. 'A date tomorrow is going to be hard if I can't sleep more than I already have, I sh- what the fuck is this?!-' Stuck deep in my thoughts I suddenly feel the ravenette's breath on my neck, slowly creeping up to my ear as his grip on my waist tightens significantly.

"You might want to get back to sleep before you're too awake" he snickered softly in my ear before biting the shell of it. I shiver and whimper softly, trying to get comfy again despite the demon very heavily breathing in my ear.

After a while of laying there, tossing and turning, I feel him once again bite my ear, growling lowly this time. "I said go to sleep" he barked just loud enough for me to hear.

"But I c-can't Belphie..." I replied, shifting a bit as his raspy 'I just woke up' voice along with the friction of tossing and turning had awakened another part of me, a part I was quite embarrassed to let be known to him was... happy per say, especially given the timing. I squeeze my thighs together and try to relax the rest of my body once more, knowing the four hours of sleep I had gotten would most likely be the only sleep I'd get for the day if this issue didn't subside.

"Damnit (y/n), what'll it take for you to g- Oh."

I could almost feel the smirk on his face as he looked down at my thighs squeezing together, suddenly very aware of what I was attempting to hide, proceeding to poke at them slightly. "You got horny shifting around, didn't you?" he asks mockingly, snickering to himself, obviously already knowing the answer.

"I-I'm sorry it j-just happened, I-" I stuttered out, getting cut off by the amused man holding me from behind, covering my mouth with his hand as he leaned closer to my ear.

"Shut up, it's not your fault, it happens. Lucky for you, this gives us a way to get back to sleep." He groans out, pushing me back against him fully. That's when I felt it, his rock hard bulge pressing against my ass. I suddenly understood what he meant by the statement, a glow of sharp vermillion arising in my face, having a feeling I knew what was about to happen. Or so I thought. "Stay still, okay? Don't be too loud, Beel's quite a light sleeper, (n/n)~" he ordered as I nodded back, doing exactly as he said.

I could feel him shifting behind me before I felt his hands travel to my hips with a newfound awareness. "I'm too tired to properly take care of this so just bare with me here" he sighed out, lifting one of my legs up.
"N-no! It'll hurt without p-p-prepping! Your sheets will be soaked in blood, how are you gonna explain that to Lucifer, let alone Beel?!" I whisper yell out, my eyes widening in fear.
"What did I say?! Just trust me okay?," he barked, rolling his eyes as he softly kissed my thigh. "I promise I'm not gonna hurt you, alright (y/n)? So for the love of fuck, please quiet down... if Beel wakes up we're both going to be screwed buddy" he growled harshly before sliding what I presumed to be his dick on one of my thighs before lowering my lifted thigh back on top of the other. "Squeeze them like before if you would, please." He said, obviously trying to be polite about it despite being slightly grumpy and sleepy, though there was the tiniest hint of pleading in there as well.
'He's trying so hard to help me... plus it'll help us get to sleep... what the hell fine, I guess I have no choice but to trust him.' I say to myself, groaning softly as I did just as he requested, earning a soft moan from the other as I started to feel him thrust in and out of my thighs. He started off slow, gripping my hips and chest for support. "God... you're so tight... and this is only your thighs?" he choked out between low moans, making my face erupt in a new, darker shade of red that probably shouldn't even exist on a human being. He slipped his right hand up my shirt, grabbing one of my nipples and playing with it, causing me to pant and whimper softly. As he sped up, the friction only made me get more and more desperate, eliciting more than a few strained moans from me, despite trying to hold them back. Almost on cue, his left hand that was previously gripping harshly on my waist snakes down into my shorts, softly rubbing on my sex.
"Nnh... Belphie..." I sigh out, throwing my head back on his shoulder. Using this against me, he softly bit from my neck to my shoulder, leaving trails of love bites and hickeys galore.
"Y'know (y/n), maybe we could just skip the date tomorrow night and go to your room to pick up from here...?" He groans out before picking up pace, grabbing onto me harsher and rubbing faster, shaking the bed silently. I nod sharply, enjoying how much time we'd get to spend with each other that way, gripping the bed sheets beside me in the process as I squeezed my thighs together with more force, my body trembling with the sudden muscle straining. "Nngh, you're gonna m-make me cum... stupid, beautiful human..."
I giggle softly before erupting an extremely strained moan I'd been trying to hold back, near climaxing myself as my body shook in his strong hold.
"I-I'm close too b-babe... we can do that tomorrow, I promise, j-just please don't stop-" I gasp out harshly, feeling myself release not long after getting that out, Belphie following soon following. We laid there for a while panting, Belphie being the first to say anything.

"C'mere, I'll clean you off a little, then, if you want we can..." he started, suddenly realizing I'd already passed out. "Night night then, (n/n)." He smiled, kissing my forehead and cleaning the both of us off with a few tissues and changing my now soaked shorts with a pair of his sweat pants before going back to sleep himself, cuddling my fast asleep form.


I woke up rubbing my eyes. 'What the hell happened last night?' I ask myself before looking over at Belphie completely knocked out. It was now 10am and we were the only ones in the room.

"G'morning (n/n), sleep well?" The ravenette asked, smirk plastered wide on his face.

"Haha, very funny. I did in fact sleep well, thanks for asking smart ass." I mutter, sitting up and stretching, letting a silent yawn roll out from my mouth, reaching over and ruffling his soft hair. "We might wanna get up before Lucifer comes in and beats our asses, it's past 10am." I chuckle, getting up and realizing I'm clean from last night with a pair of what seems to be his sweatpants on. 'He must've cleaned us up before drifting off himself... dear god I love him.' "Come on, let's go see if we can find something to eat or if Beel ate it all. We have a big night ahead of us, remember?" I ask halfway cheerfully, holding my hand out to him to get up with. He grabbed it, instead pulling me down.

"We do, but you fell asleep before we could cuddle last night. So this is makeup time." He snickered, obviously knowing he won this battle. I sigh and let myself lay on him for a while before Lucifer came stomping in asking why we weren't awake yet. 'This boy's kinda stupid but, I love him.'
A/N: 1598 words :)

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