Chapter 5

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Christopher's Pov
Beeping of alarm.
I hate waking up so early on my day off. I mean I can take a day off when I want to but I just felt like setting a specific day; which is friday. I have to meet my dad  today at his friend's restaurant and I guess he'll be tagging along.
Getting up, I washed my face and freshen up for the day. Putting on a light blue shirt and a white shorts along with a white slipper and I thought I looked presentable. I called out to Otana as she was coming in and she came with two bags in her hand. I looked at her with a questioning look and she realised.

"This is just some personal stuff I bought for you. No need to panic chris. Your so antsy these days", she said laughing at me.

" Oh ", was all I could say as I knew she bought me birthday presents. Shaking my head, I have her a hug and left out to meet my dad by the gate as he wanted to escort me to there.

" Hi, dad. How are you doing.? "I asked as I entered the car.

" I'm fine son. I'm actually surprised you got up on you're so called day off. ", he said laughing as if it was funny.

I just shake my head at him and enjoyed the two hour drive. By the time I reached out there it actually stunned me by its design and it was gorgeous. Radiant. Hmmm, I wonder if I could buy this place out. At the same time I was thinking of this my dad nudged me in the shoulder.

" No, you are not buying this place. It is a good friend of mine and also he'll be joining us today", he said as if he read my thoughts.

"Oh, alright." , I said huffing.

Stepping inside, my nostrils were filled with a delicious smell and I was baffled to see Cassandra working here. I played her once and she must have warned other women about me. A small smirk came on my face when I saw her walking towards the kitchen area.
Walking to the table about to sit down. I saw the most beautiful set of green eyes quickly move away from my body. She looks like one of the waitress. I didn't really see her face because she was blocked by Cassandra. Boy that girl is always somewhere. Anyways I sat down at the properly to see my father staring at me.

"Sorry, where are my manners Mr. Radiant. Good afternoon." , I said catching up on my self.
"Its ok, good afternoon" , he replied.

My dad was catching up on somethings with his friend with me butting in every now and again.
I was getting quite hungry when I saw a waitress in the distance walking towards the table with a platter with cups of water and I thanked god. She held her down while she walked and I looked down to see her shoes lace untied so I get up to tell her but as soon as I reached near her, she turned around when someone call out to her. Whatever they told her obviously pissed her off as she turned around so quickly fuming with anger I accidentally knocked the tray out of her hand. She fell to the floor along with the cups filed with water. Oh boy, what did I do now. I quickly bent down to help her up and meet those gorgeous green eyes. I was stunned by her beauty as her face was sculpted so beautiful. She's the same girl I saw coming in. I helped her up and she was still angry at whatever they had said to her. She immediately calm as she saw me staring at her. She blushed furiously as she knew she had been staring at me earlier.

"I'm sorry, sir. Please have a seat, I'll be with you right away." , she nervously. She looked behind me straight at her boss and bit her bottom lip. Oh god, does this woman know what that does to a man.
"Its my fault, I'm the one who's sorry. My apologies ma'am." , wow I bearly know the girl and I'm apologizing. I never apologize. This can't happen again.

"My name is Christopher and it's a pleasure bumping into you.oh and the your shoe laces and your name is?" , I asked wanting to know this girl.

"My name is Vanessa and nice bumping into you to.Well not the falling on the floor. ", she replied with a voice sounding like honey in my ears.

"I would like to get to know you, Vanessa. How about coffee tomorrow?" , I asked.

"Sure, but you wouldn't mind if a friend came along would you?" , she asked as if I was gonna eat her up.

"No, actually the more the merrier." , I'm such a good lair. I then gave her my phone number and the place we were gonna meet.

"Remeber,  12:45 at Starbucks. Good," I said and went back to sit.
Mr. Radiant stared at me in shock as he witnessed the incident.

"I see you have met our chef in training, Vanessa." , Mr radiant stated as I started to look through the menu.

"Oh, she's a chef huh. She is quite pretty though." , I said, wow you couldn't guess that. I looked up to see him smirking like an ass.

"Yeah, she sure is. She ummmm, maybe I shouldn't release such info." , he said under his breath.

Soon after she came back but this time with food already ordered. Father must have done it when I was entangled with this girl. She gently placed the food on the table and nodded to me and her boss. She walked straight ahead to another guest who also seemed to be smitned by her beauty. She then laughed as the guy made a remark that probably seemed funny to her. I quickly turned my head away when I saw the guy look my way.

I don't know this girl and something tells me not to do what I'm gonna do but my ego always gets the best of me.

Authors note
I'm so so sorry for not updating sooner than I should and because of that I'll update tomorrow again. I really hope you like this chapter. I spent a lot of time of it and it is  1070 words. Please vote and comment and wash your hands.#keep safe. And I just want to give a special shout out to Queenkada and her stories. :) bye

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