Umjoon - Guardian ❤️

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Umji is sipping her tea while waiting for her boyfriend to come back from LA. Today is the day that he's coming back. She wanted to go to the airport to see her boyfriend but her boyfriend considered her not to.

Her boyfriend is RM, leader of BTS. Being a famous K-pop Star need a lot of energy to travel around and participate in concerts.
By not wanting his precious girlfriend to go and see him is because there are a lot of fans. They might hurt his precious baby which will make him burst into anger any second.

She was sipping her tea while watching the live shooting her muscular boyfriend walking out of the airport with many fans around them. She will always smile and giggle everytime she sees her boyfriend.

Without any hesitation, Umji took out her phone and texted her boyfriend. "Are you coming?", she sent the message and smiled at the ceiling like an idiot. After a few minutes, he replied. "I'm sorry babe, I have a meeting today and I have to get ready for the other tour tomorrow at Japan."

She looked down, heartbroken, sad but she is very understanding so she shooked it away. "It's ok. Good luck with your tour.", she replied and he never replied back.

She looked down in despair and quickly grabbed the book his boyfriend always read when he have time. There were little notes inside of the book.

She opened the book and read every little notes he wrote. "Love is hard but if you are willing, it isn't.", Umji read the note and smiled.

She remembered the first time RM asked her to be his girlfriend behind the stage at MMA. He was very heroic at that time. Like he would protect Umji forever. Umji was enlightened by how a guy wants to protect her as much as himself.

Umji placed the book down and went to get food.

Late at 8pm night, RM was going to a very important meeting with his members. He was at his apartment getting ready. He changed into his suit and got out of the house.

He looks at the sky and narrowed his eyebrows. There was something wrong with the sky today but he shooked it off and went into his car. He arrived at the meeting place and went into the restaurant.

His members were waiting for him. They gathered and went into the VIP room. They sat down with my members waiting for Bang PD.


The door opened Bang PD came but there was another girl behind him. It's (G)-idle's Minnie, my first idol crush in the K-pop industry before I like Umji.

She walked in and sat down next to me. I felt nervous because she is my first crush in K-pop industry. I looked at me and bowed as I bowed back. "What was this for?", Jungkook asked Bang PD. "I just recently felt that RM is growing up and he is ready for marriage. So I was wondering if RM and Minnie could get to it."

My eyes widened as I thought of Umji. Bang PD didn't know that Umji and I have a relationship because I've never told him. The members looked at me. They know that Umji and I is in a relationship so they are thinking how would I respond to this.

Minnie held my arm, "I'm sure that RM is ok about this. He don't have any other partners.", she said happily as I looked down. "I...", I stuttered as Bang PD cutted me. "So it's settled then! Congratulations!", Bang PD clapped as Minnie held my face and kissed my cheeks.

I didn't know how to express my fear in my body. I didn't what to respond. Soon Suga excused us out to talk. As soon as we went out, Suga punched me in my face. "Are you crazy?! Your girlfriend is Umji! Don't you even know how to defend yourself?!", he shouted at me.

"I..I ...", I stuttered as Suga punched me again. He grabbed my collar, "I let go of Umji because she likes you. I liked her but it because she likes you and I believed that you will protect her. I can't believe you anymore.", he said to me sternly.

I looked down as I suddenly hear loud thunders outside. It was raining heavily with thunders. I looked at my watch, it has passed 1 hour before the rain started.

Suddenly, I remembered something which make myself panicked and scared. I ran into the room and grabbed my stuffs as fast as I could. As I was running to the exit, Bang PD grabbed my arm. "Where are you going?! Your fiancee is here.", he said as Minnie held my hands.

I was so panicked that I pushed both of them away from me. Minnie fell on the ground as Bang PD held her up. "What do you think you are doing, Namjoon?!", Bang PD shouted as I could hold it anymore.

"I already have a girl! She is Umji! We have been dating for 2 years! I'm taken! So now, be gone from my sight!", I shouted at them as the froze.

I turned around and ran towards the exit. He went into his car and drove away to their house. My eyes started to fill with tears as I was so so scared. I held it back. "I'm a guy. I shouldn't cry. Umji wait for me, I'm coming."

Thunders are as loud as guns and rain is pouring down heavily. I went out of the car as soon as I arrived. I didn't care about the rain, I ran towards the house as I saw that the lights wasn't on. I banged on the door, "UMJI! OPEN THE DOOR!", I screamed as there was no response.

I went to the back of the house to its window. I broke the window's glass with my arms and climbed in. My hand was bleeding bad but I didn't care about it. I walked to the living room but she's not there.

I walked to the kitchen she wasn't there too. I ran upstairs and check the guest room but she wasn't there. Lastly, it was our room. I ran and banged the door opened. "UMJI!", I shouted but there was no one there. As I was about to go downstairs again, I heard a soft sniff.

I heard a soft voice, "please...please..don't...".

I turned back and looked at the closet. I slowly walked towards it and creaked the closet's door opened.

There Umji was. Hiding in a tsunami of clothes as her soft sniffs cries. I pulled the clothes away and saw her red wet face. Her eyes are red. She was sweating while hugging her legs. I slowly placed my arm around her as she freaks out.

"NO!! PLEASE!!", she screamed as I hugged her tightly. "Umji! It's me! It's your baby.", I hugged her as she stopped and held me tightly as she continued to sob in my arms.

I pulled her down and placed her small body on my chest. I carried her to the bed and held her until she falls asleep. I looked at her and wiped off her tears.

Umji, she was raped 8 years ago, during a loud heavy rain with loud thunders. So ever since that day she have fear of rain and thunders. Everytime Umji is alone while RM is overseas, she will video call RM until she sleeps.

I patted her head and kissed her lips. Don't worry Umji, I will protect you forever because I'm your Guardian."

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