Sumji - Different pt.1❤️

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Author POV

Umji is a quiet girl who is married to Suga. Suga, a CEO of a rich company but is a womaniser and a playboy. He always bring girls back home and does sex with them behind Umji.

But Umji knew it ever since the first day of their marriage so she isn't angry. Even though sometimes Umji would be sad and hurt but she would still tell herself to stay strong because she loves him.

She wants him to be happy no matter in what ways or things he did. As long as he is happy, she would try her best to accept it.

Umji POV

Again, late in the night, sounds if skin slapping and moaning. Every night is the same. There's no changes towards this. It's been almost the 309 time he had one-night-stand with a girl.

Every week once. Even sometimes, he would have daily sex with his secretary every day. He would always hire sexy and beautiful secretaries and had dirty jobs with them.

How would they let him do that? It's because he's handsome and rich. Every girl in his company fancy him and think any girl who had sex with him are super lucky.

I was in my room reading my book as I put on my ear phones. The book I'm reading is about True Love of nerds. Both nerds loves books and often hang out to talk about books too.

After a long run with books, they started dating and got married with a happily ever after.

I smiled as I softened my eyes. "I guess I will never have that kind of happiness.", I thought as I heard the other room's door opened. "Get out!", Suga shouted as I heard the girl's footsteps scrambled down the stairs.

"How can he even be so cruel? He did it with her but he ditched her the next second after his desire are fullfilled.", I thought as I pity the girl.

"But he had never touched me or try to do things with me. Maybe its because I'm not good enough.", I sighed and went back to my book.

Next morning

I woke up, changed, I went downstairs for my breakfast and go to work. I work as a barista in a cafe alone because the cafe was newly opened.

 I work as a barista in a cafe alone because the cafe was newly opened

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As usual, Suga isn't home. He left for work early like usual. I took a packet of Cereal Bar, walked out of the house, locked the door and went to the cafe.

 I took a packet of Cereal Bar, walked out of the house, locked the door and went to the cafe

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2021 ⏰

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