Chapter 1

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Music played in my car as I drove to Collinwood Manor, what a beautiful day it was. I was on my way to visit an old friend of mine, Carolyn Collins. She is my best friend and I must say I haven't seen her in a very long time. I admit I have been quite busy with my career as a painter. My studio was in London, England. I can't tell you how many people come everyday to purchase my artwork or request to see it. I am very lucky to have a job like this, to be able to do something that I am very passionate about. I smiled and hummed the lyrics to the song that played in my car. It was the song "Nights in White Satin" by the Moody Blues. One of my favorites! It was also my mothers favorite song, and it was the one song that made me fall asleep as a child. I smiled at the memory of my mother holding me as a child and singing the song softly to help me fall asleep. 

A few minutes later I arrived at Collinwood Manor, I smiled as I pulled into the driveway. I was very excited to see Carolyn again. I parked my car and got out of it, I then grabbed my things and walked up the stairs to the front door. I set my bags down so I could knock on the door. Moments later the door opened, revealing Elizabeth Collins. Carolyn's mother. "Sofia! Welcome back!" she said with a smile. "Hello Elizabeth!" I said as I gave her a hug. She hugged me back then let go of me. "Come on in, and leave your bags here I'll have Willie bring them to your room upstairs." she said. I nodded and followed her inside. I sighed happily at the sight of the mansion. It was still the same as ever, it felt good to be here again. I really missed this place. 

"Carolyn should be in her room. Oh, and I'll send Victoria when dinner is ready." said Elizabeth. I nodded. "Alright, and it's really good to see you again Liz." I said. Elizabeth smiled. "It's good to see you too Sofia! I'll see you at dinner." she said as she walked upstairs. I then made my way to Carolyn's room where I knew she would be. And to my luck she was, I knew because she was playing a song by Alice Cooper in her room. Her favorite. I quietly went up the stairs and gently knocked on her door. I heard her get up and walk over to the door. She opened it and her eyes widened, along with a big smile on her face. "Sofia!!" she said in excitement. "Hello Carolyn!" I said and gave her a hug. she hugged me back tightly like she always did. "Not too tight Carolyn!" I laughed. Carolyn laughed and she let go of me. "Well come on in girl, we got to catch up ya know?" she said. I laughed knowing what she meant. I went into her room and we spent hours talking to one another.  

Hours had passed before Carolyn and I heard a knock on the door, Carolyn said for the person to come in. The door opened revealing Victoria Winters, Davids governess. She smiled when she saw me. "Sofia! it's so good to see you again!" she said. I smiled. "Hello Vicky" I said. "Anyway, dinner is ready if you two care to join us." she said. Carolyn and I got up and followed Vicky to the dining room. When I entered the room only a few members of the family were there. Elizabeth, David, Carolyn, and myself. I remembered that Julia Hoffman had disappeared and Roger had left. I guess they weren't coming back to this place. I was glad that Roger was gone, I didn't like him much and I was slightly disappointed that Julia was gone. I thought she was really nice but the only thing that bothered me was when she smoked a cigarette in the house. 

I pressed those thoughts to the back of my mind as I ate dinner with the family, I missed spending time with them. Now I was with them for the next two weeks and I couldn't be happier. Before I finished eating David spoke. "Oh Aunt Liz, when is Barnabas coming home? I miss him." said David. "He will be home tomorrow evening David, you will get to see him then." said Elizabeth. David smiled. "Yay!" said David. I could tell he was excited. "Elizabeth, who is Barnabas?" I asked curiously. Elizabeth smiled. "Barnabas is a distant relative of the family, a descendant of the man who's portrait hangs above the fireplace in the foyer. He's been away for a few days now, he's coming home tomorrow evening." She said. "Really? a descendant? that's very interesting. I would love to meet him!" I said. "He's really nice! I think you'll like him." said victoria. I smiled. "I think I will too, he does sound like a nice person." I said. I was looking forward to it. The thought of it remained in my mind for the rest of the evening. Honestly I couldn't think of anything else. And the thought remained as I settled down in my bed and slept through the night.   

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