Chapter 9

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(Third person p.o.v)

The night had come, Barnabas made his way to where Angelique had taken Sofia. He was angry with Angelique and he had enough of her madness. It was time to end this once and for all. 

(Barnabas p.o.v) 

I entered the one place that haunted me, Angel Bay. It was still in ruins from the day it had closed down. I knew Angelique was here holding my love Sofia hostage. Not this time Angelique! you killed my love Josette, you will not kill Sofia! I heard a muffled voice coming from where her office once was, the door was slightly open. I entered to see my love tied up and a cloth covering her mouth like a mask. She was on her knees. Angelique's spirit hovering in front of her. "Angelique!" I hissed. Angelique turned towards me, a wicked smirk growing on her face. "Barnabas Collins, I knew you would come. You always take the bait don't you. " she laughed. I clenched a fist. "What do you want Angelique! Why have you returned?!" I hissed. Angelique only laughed again. "Oh Barnabas, you know why." she smirked. "That was a long time ago, I had told you once before. You cannot love Angelique! That is your curse." I said. "How dare you repeat those words to me!" she growled. Her eyes gazed upon Sofia. Who had been struggling to break the bonds holding her. "Let her go Angelique!" I yelled. "Never, I have finally found a way to return to this world. And I will start with her." she said. 

She was going to kill my love and take her body as her own. I could not let that happen. She was about to kill her when I found a dagger. I grabbed it and tried to plunge it into her heart but I missed. I tried a second time and I had missed again. "You can't kill me Barnabas, I am already dead and so is your lover." she said and used her magic to force my lovers soul out of her body. "Noooo!!!!" I screamed. I ran to Angelique and plunged the dagger into her heart. Her spirit screamed and disappeared into the dagger. The dagger absorbed her spirit. Sofia dropped to the floor as the dagger hovered in front of me and broke into fragments, shattering like a pane of glass. She was gone for good. I ran to Sofia and untied the bonds that held her. 

Her eyes still closed, her body limp, I carefully placed her in my lap. "Sofia, sweet sofia. " I cried. I buried my face into her chest. Nearly to the point of tears at this time. However, I heard something. It was her heart, it was weak but still beating. She was running out of time. At to this I made a decision I'd never thought I'd make. I slowly opened my mouth, letting my fangs extend and I gently sank my teeth into her neck. I drank from her, giving her my dark gift. I soon released her. I called to her. "Sofia, Sofia, please, please wake up...I..I love you." I cried. I knew it. I was too late. Or I thought I was until I had felt a hand touch the side of my face. I looked at Sofia who was looking at me with her vampire eyes. I sighed with relief. "Barnabas." she said. "My love." I said, tears falling down my face. I caressed her cheek lovely, leaned down and our lips met in a kiss, a kiss that felt as if it would last an eternity. 

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