Our story began when I downloaded an app called boom, He was in one of the many groups I joined amongst all of the confusion I got kicked for not completing the verification process after sifting through the hundreds of dms. I found his message was normal than the other dick pics and nude requests that I had been receiving that night. ahh, and how should I forget I am celeste just a contemporary traveling artist, and well he was a man of mystery, which in the beginning we all had our fake personas or a person we aimed to be. I was a cute southern girl with a mini accent he was a vegetable from vege tales and lived somewhere up north. Later that night we got to know each other everything but the normality of what you would discuss to the opposite sex. We talked for what seemed to be hours and I felt like I knew him more than which he let come to surface. He asked for my number but I chose to leave him delivered for the next couple of nights I could not for another internet guy... ug I would never hear the end from my mother desperate for grandchildren. After a few days, I decided to send a text and I made up some family emergency that had to be taken care of immediately, of course, it was wrong but I couldn't be like sorry I don't like strangers. I then decided to give him my phone number assuming he would call that day I just sat and waited like a snake waiting to shed its skin. It was around 9 pm when I decided that I was gonna join another group I ended up doing so but of course he was in the chat we need up talking and him giving a similar excuse of how he couldn't get back with me that day. The group leader ended up telling us how we should move to the private chat because we were the only two talking while the others hyped us up and chose sides. The next while talking up some guy he called and I sure gave him a piece of my mind how dare he call me, after all, this time I hung up only to send a text that he could lose my number. I don't know why I expected a reply.. so I waited and waited
Long Distance
Roman d'amourHow can you be in love with someone who've you've never met?