norton, aesop, naib, eli | university au hcs

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woo i wrote this with @himi-ko



- engineering major

- is probably the heartthrob of the campus (sexy)

- i can picture him looking like an absolute dick but i Swear he has a heart of gold (haha get it because he's a gold digger hahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhaahhahaha bye)

- obviously seen with the rest of the Awesome Foursome but is with naib most of the time

- is seen coming to class with a half eaten doughnut in his hand

- he may look like a bad student but don't let his looks and aura lower your expectations

- is competitive as FUCK

- probably the most versatile out of them all - t-shirt representative some shirts collars too big you see his cleavage (norton sexy)


- makeup/graphic designing major

- the softest out of them all

- people stare at him because of how pretty he is

- not just that

- his fashion sense is Godly

- not that active in sports but will help manage them once in a while

- has been questioned " why are you wearing a mask " 6327486198467198 times

- though a little uncomfortable with strangers, the other three will always back him up and help him open up to others

- really is the angel of the campus

- friendly reminder he has a deep voice and hes not Too soft hes a murderer in canon bruh maybe a little dark 

- is the definition of "i can be yuor 𝒶𝓃𝑔𝓁𝑒 or yuor 𝖉𝖊𝖛𝖆𝖑 "

- turtleneck enthusiast


- sports medicine major

- the campus' star sprinter

- though he may be versatile in sports, he's not as Buff as norton (hes fast as fuck tho)

- ...which leads into him being jealous of norton

- is literally a joke between them and people in their friend group

- he's not the exactly the best at academics but he's doing all right

- extra casual clothing gang with norton

- ties up his hair like a palm tree when in the dorms

- it was all fine until one of them accidentally posted a photo of his palm tree hair on their instagram story... and the story was spread like wildfire

- everyone on campus has seen it

- one of his biggest clown moments- definitely the biggest clown out of the four

- said hoodies >>>


zoology major

- Peacemaker between nortons and naibs fights

- shyest of the bunch

- loves Loves LOVES owls

- the whole campus knows it

- brings around a small owl plushie keychain everywhere

- is against people squishing the owl plushie because it would 'hurt' the owl

- Looks like your typical anime dad but skinny

- Actual dad

- biggest nerd

- actually the calmest between the four

- loves dress shirts 


elisop + nortnaib dorms

- chaotic ranking from most to least : naib, norton, aesop, eli

- Nortons on the hotter side aesop pretty

- Naibs like cute in. that way and elis cute nerd way

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2020 ⏰

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