homework | elisop drabble

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[ fluff + crack | lowercase intended ] bye i died


[11:36 P.M.]

" oh my god what the fuck does this mean? " said aesop. eli shrugged as a response.

like any other friday night, they were both doing homework after playing and messing around. well, at least trying to.

" what is this i swear i do NOT recall learning this in class. " 

eli quickly scooted next to aesop and looked at the latter's notebook which was full of random doodles. after ignoring said doodles, he averted his attention to the question aesop was stuck on.

eli stared at it.

then he stared.

and stared.

and stared even longer.

then, he gave up.

" you know what, let's sleep. we'll do our homework tomorrow. " eli told aesop with a bored tone, too tired to deal with any more homework., 

" okay sure. " aesop answered, perfectly masking his shock.

the both of them cleaned up, which may or may not have included them splashing each other while brushing their teeth. after that was done, aesop lied down on their shared bed and buried himself under the covers. eli turned off the ceiling lights and turned on their bedside lamp. finally, he settled under the covers along with aesop.

aesop cuddled eli and pulled him closer. they then admired each other's faces for a bit, until aesop decided to pull eli even closer. aesop then whispered to eli,

" i love you eli. "

" i love you too aesop. "


i hope this was okay woo

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