𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 23

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The walk back to our hotel rooms is a short and peaceful quiet one.

We don't speak much, but I know we are enjoying each other's company.

We finally make it back to our rooms and stand face to face in the hallway that separates them.

"So um," I place my hands behind my back and kick one of my feet.

"Today was-," Elliot starts to say.

"Fun!" Me and Elliot state at the same time.

I laugh and Mirage joins in with me.

"We have to do that again," Elliot says while placing a hand behind his neck, giving me a slight smile.

"If we do do this again, then I have to pay!"

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"If we do do this again, then I have to pay!"

Mirage shakes his head no.

"Negative, I'll pay!"

A yawn escapes my mouth and Elliot chuckles before taking a step forward.

"I don't wanna keep you out too late, so I'll uh- I'll see you tomorrow."

I nod my head before turning to my door.

I reach for the door handle but then I stop myself.

Turning my attention back towards Mirage, I can see that he is already almost inside of his room.

"Wait, Elliot!" I say rather loudly.

Elliot turns around stepping back into the hallway.


I clear my throat before pulling Elliot into a hug.

He wraps his arms securely around me and we stay like this for a few seconds.

When we pull away from the hug, I look up at Elliot who is already looking at me.

"Thanks for tonight, goodnight!"

I place a kiss on his cheek before turning around and walking into my room.

I take off my shoes and place them in a corner.

Someone knocks on my door and I walk to it.

Looking through the peephole, I see a flustered Elliot.

I open the door and look at him.

"What's u-," I begin to say.

In one quick motion Elliot pulls me in by my waist.

I blush at the sudden amount of body contact.

He places a hand on my cheek, pulling my face closer to his.

I can feel the butterflies fluttering around in my stomach and his touch makes me feel lightheaded.

Our lips are just inches apart.

I stand there in shock.

Elliot closes his eyes and his warm lips finally reach mine.

I am still in shock, I'm so shocked that I don't kiss him back!

Elliot pulls away from the kiss looking anywhere but at me.

Oh no you damn dummy! Now he regrets kissing you! I argue with myself in my head.

"I'm sorry- I probably shouldn't have done that- I- I was just...I thought that-," Elliot rambles on.

I smash my lips against his and he is caught off guard.

A few seconds later, he is kissing me back.

I close my eyes while placing a hand behind his head playing with his hair.

We pull away from the kiss and both of us are blushing extremely hard.

"That was uh- that was really nice!" Elliot states while smiling at me.

I return his smile before nodding my head.

"I'll see you tomorrow, Elliot!" I backup and I hit my door with causes me to get flustered.

Elliot holds in a laugh.

"You know there's a door there, right, Beautiful?" Elliot asked while sending a wink my way.

"I'm fine!" I state while letting out an awkward laugh and opening the front door to my room. "T-totally fine!"

"Night, Y/n." Elliot says while stepping into his room.


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