chapter 9

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*Holly's POV

I woke up to an alarm I didn't mean to set me and Kaitlin had to film a YouTube video today and get it edited and uploaded because it was Wednesday and we post every Wednesday 

I headed into Kaitlin's room, to see she was on call to her mom Linda 

FaceTime between Kaitlin and Linda


Holly: Linda I miss you and mom so much 

Linda: aww we miss you both to it is so quiet around her without you singing Holly and Kaitlin just talking 

Kaitlin: hey 

Holly: how have you and mum been I haven't spoke to her in about a week we have been caught up 

Linda: with boy's Kaitlin has told me all about them 

Holly: by all did she include her crush 

Linda: no spill

Kaitlin: I didn't want to say anything yet 

Linda: to late spill

Kaitlin: his name is Zach like I said we met them all at an event and have been hanging out with them and I just got a crush on him there isn't much to it 

Holly: other then he has a fat crush on her to 

Linda: aww I want to meet him already what is he like

Kaitlin: he is really good looking and has an incredible voice

Holly: oh Linda he is honestly so sweet I approve 

Linda: he must be good if Holly approves 

Holly: exactly

Kaitlin: oh and Holly got a little crush on Daniel and they went on a date so technically they are one step further then me and Zach 

Linda: OH MY GOD have you told your mom 

Holly: no I just don't know if i want to go there

Linda: do you want kids

Holly: one day 

Linda: and how you going to do that if you won't consider the idea of dating 

Holly: it is just hard

Linda: I know but not everyone is like that and when you are around him how do you feel

Holly: honestly, really safe 

Linda: exactly trust me and just try, trying don't hurt

Holly: I guess, anyway what else have you been talking about 

Kaitlin: we spoke about the hate I was getting mom noticed it because she is a fan and likes all my pictures 

Linda: it is horrible what some people say how aren't you successful your 19 you have an incredible house which I need to come and see by the way you have a career a well paying career I didn't get into work until I was like 23 Your driving have your dream cars and your living your best life what more do you need

Kaitlin: I know I just don't like when they target thing's I love like take the piss out of how I look I don't care but talking about my YouTube videos and dancing it put's me off

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