Chapter 4: not again

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We all ran down the hall, to the right, and right again. We got to the hall we realized we
were in the eighth grade hallway. We found where the screaming was coming from when we
opened the door and saw Ami floating in mid-air. To me it looked like a magic act, I was wishing
that it was but I know that it’s not. Everything turns black.
While I was walking the voice got a little louder, but I still couldn’t make it out. I was
starting to think. Wait this dream might be a recurring like the other one. It might be important. I
wait, tapping my foot in the darkness. I mutter, “Stupid dream!” I woke up and everyone was still
looking. Sometimes I wonder if I’m going to have another dream like that, but never wake up
until she speaks.
“Mia are you sure you’re just tired? You were asleep longer than before.” Rose said, her
voice was wavering than it was before. I looked at my computer and it said it was May 3rd 2018.
“Guys, it’s May 3rd 2018! We have been here for a Year!” I said, a little shock in my
voice. How quick does time fly by here?! We have only been here for an hour in real time.
“What do you mean we have been here for a year? We have only been here for an
hour!” Lilly said, knowing that can’t be right. Lilly’s smarter than Connor, but they are in the
same grade. Connor always acts like a goofball, but does that stop him? HECK no, he is always
goofy even when the teacher tells him to cut it off!”
Then I remembered that Ami was still in the air, So we had to come up with a new plan
to get her down. To be honest I’ve read too many books about magic spells and all the wizard
and witch stuff you need to know.Guys you need to get these supplies in order for this to work; Chalk,a rubber ball, five
candles, and a mirror. I know these are random items but trust me on this okay!” I said,
Everyone looked at each other like they were thinking the same thing and went to go get the
items while I stayed there.

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