Chapter 3

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I now stood standing before the magnificent building labeled U.A. My hands were resting in front of me in a pair of quirk-resistant handcuffs that had a solid seven inch chain connecting them, allowing both my hands some room to move. I wore a shiny titanium muzzle that covered my nose and mouth, the strap reaching back behind my head and lost in my (h/c) hair.

I totally didn't look suspicious at all.

I quietly waited for Nezu to exit the car, shifting my slightly as I messed with the edge of my blazer.  I hadn't worn the tie since I somehow ripped it in the process of trying to put it on, causing a cursing episode and Nezu trying to calm me down.

Stupid ties.

Thankfully nobody was outside at the moment, or else my appearance might cause a commotion.  Once Nezu had made it to my side, he quickly took the lead as we walked into the school.

I was led down various empty hallways until we finally arrived at the colossal doorway of class 1-A.  My breathing quickened and I bent down slightly to look at Nezu. 

"I-I haven't talked to anyone my age in years.." I confessed, to which Nezu just smiled and patted my leg.  "It's alright, you'll get used to it soon!"

Easy for you to say..

"Now wait here while I inform your new home room teacher of your arrival."  I nodded and kept my eyes on the label showing 1-A, trying to calm my nerves.

Izuku's POV:

We were currently learning the history of heroes when a knock sounded at the door.  Everyone's heads snapped over to it, looking for any way to escape the boredom they were experiencing.

Aizawa sighed before trudging over to the door and opening it slightly, and to our surprise it was principal Nezu!

'I wonder what he's doing here?' I thought curiously.  I couldn't hear what they were discussing but Aizawa had seemingly perked up a little. 

Nezu then took his leave, and Aizawa promptly stood behind his stand and cleared his throat.  Everyone leaned closer in their desks to hear what he had to say.

"We'll be having a new student today."






Aizawa seemed to have a mini mental breakdown before glaring at the class, making everyone immediately shut up.

"They are a he, and his quirk is classified."

The class went into an uproar as they argued with each other and theorized what type of quirk they had to be classified.  'I wonder..'

Kaminari and Kirishima soon became too loud, making Aizawa death glare them which shut down all attempts at talking.  He sighed once more, rubbing his temples.

"Don't mind his appearance, but please do keep at least a few inches away from him.  It is for safety precautions.  His name is (L/N) (Y/N), and no more questions." He looked like he was having a migraine or something.


"You may come in now.."

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