Chapter 20: The Princess Bride

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Braithe looked out over the rambunctious Great Hall where her wedding guests were currently busy celebrating her marriage to Aurelian. It had been a great affair, arranged in a quick few weeks both to boost morale in the kingdom after the recent events, and because - she suspected - her brother was worried about a child born too soon after the wedding. She probably could have put his mind at ease there, but it was more fun to antagonise him.

Having the wedding so soon had sounded good to her anyway, and Aurelian certainly hadn't complained. Especially not after she'd suggested to wait until their wedding night. She caught sight of him across the room where he was standing next to the High King, her brother and a few noblemen. He looked up, almost as if he could feel her gaze, met her eyes and winked. A pleasant warmth flooded her. Her husband.

Having mingled and made polite conversation with a good number of people by now, she felt that she deserved a kiss. Walking up to her new husband, she snuck in underneath his arm and he pulled her close and placed a kiss at the corner of her mouth. She supposed it would have to do, considering the audience.

"Congratulations again!" the High King said cheerily. By now he had indulged in more than a few glasses of wine and was in an even more exuberant mood than usual. He raised his most recent glass in a salute. "May the Gods bless your union."

"Thank you," Braithe said with a smile. Deciding to take the opportunity with the monarch suitably intoxicated, she looked at him with what she hoped was polite interest. "May I ask where the Queen is? It's a shame she could not join us for the wedding."

A look she couldn't quite discern stole across the High King's handsome face for a moment, and she felt Aurelian squeeze her waist in warning. But a moment later the High King was smiling again. "She cannot travel," he said. "She had our son only a few months ago."

"Congratulations," Baudwin said. "That is splendid news. You must be very pleased."

"Yes, congratulations!" Braithe said, and she meant it.

The High King took a swig of his drink. "I doubt she would have come anyway," he admitted with a cynical chuckle.

Aurelian squeezed her side again when she had been about to open her mouth to ask why. She threw him a quick glance, seeing that he was moving his head in a barely perceptible warning. Apparently she'd hit on a sore spot.

Leaning a little closer, the High King chuckled again, his green eyes glittering. Whether from humour or alcohol, she couldn't tell. She could, however, smell the wine on his breath as he grinned. "I'll tell you a secret," he said, winking at her. "I don't think she likes me very much."

"Please excuse me as I steal my wife away for a moment," Aurelian said as he smoothly directed Braithe away from the group of men.

"Why did you do that?" she complained as he brought them out onto the balcony into the balmy summer night.

He grinned. "My reasons are two-fold. For one, I wanted you away from the High King. Don't get him started on his marriage, it makes him morose."

She wanted to argue. All of Erya was curious about the rumours involving the High King. Surely now would have been the perfect time to ask him, with his guard down. But Aurelian shook his head, and she remained silent.

"And secondly." He pulled her close, his face suddenly only inches away. "I wanted my wife to myself."

"I suppose I can't fault you for that." She grinned.

Aurelian lifted a hand to gently caress her cheek, brushing his thumb over her lower lip. "Have I told you how beautiful you look today?" His voice was low and husky, his eyes burning with a blue fire.

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