Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

I know it might seem craxy that I want to meet this guy, especially after the description Zayn gave me but I just couldnt help myself. Meanwhile I asked him more questions about the band, which was only to hear more stories about Harry.

I know how rude.

Time seemed to have passed quick, that next thing I knew Logans hands were covering my face. "I know its you Logan" I said to him with a huge smile forming on my face. "Dammit!" then came in for a hug and gave me a long hard kiss on the cheek. "And who do we have here" he started to say looking over at Zayn "You better keep your hands off my girl pal" he warned.

This isint good.

"Whoa Logan calm down" I told him as I walked in between him and Zayn for which Logan was now looking to start a fight. "Your girl?! as far as I know shes my fiance. Meaning shes my girl, so why dont you back off" Zayn exclaimed getting closer to Logan, closing the gab between Logan, him and I.

"Both of you calm down right now!" I yelled extending both my arms to keep them apart "Im no ones girl you got that!" I stated. They both seemed to have calmed down, well except for Logan who im guessing had a lot of questions due to the engagement.

"What is he talking about Bella?" Logan asked pointing towards Zayn almost hoping what he had said was false. "Its true. Me and Zayn are engaged" I answered him. He was quiet for a moment. "Why didnt you tell me this? that you had a boyfriend, or even more important that you were engaged." he protested.

"Im sorry. You didn't give me a chance when you called." I tried to explain to him. Logan took a sigh and turned to face Zayn.

"Im sorry about that mate. I just love Bella so much" he excused himself extending his arm.

"Its alright. No problem, but you shouldn't be the only one apologizing. Im sorry for reacting that way" Zayn apologized and shook Logan's arm.

"Great not that were all friends here how about we go get some Ice Cream" I suggested and took both there arms walking over to the Ice Cream shop.

"Ill have one vanilla ice cream cone" Zayn ordered which was then followed by Logan who ordered a chocolate ice cream cone.

So simple.

Well not me I ordered a chocolate chip cookie dough I cream cup with extra cookie dough.


We all took a seat at a table and just started to have a conversation. It was nice having the two of them get along, but I must admit I was scared if they had started fight.

Who know what would have happened?

"Excuse me I have to go to the restroom" Zayn said stepping out of his seat and headed to the back.

I sat there still eating my ice cream when Logan spoke and I could tell he had been wanting to get this out for a while.

"Is it just me or does he look familiar to you?" he wondered.

"Yeah. He's Zayn Malik from One Direction" I answered him just to see him have a huge surprised look in his face.

"Are you fucking serious!"

"Im serious" I stated, still trying to finish my ice cream.

"OMG do you realize what this means!" he exclaimed with such amusement.

Great now what stupid Idea got into his head this time.

"You are gonna be a millionaire!" he shouted "How lucky are you".


"What do you mean and! you can buy anything you want I cant believe im gonna have a rich and famous friend!! This is so exiting."

I rolled my eyes at him and soon Zayn returned and took a seat "Those were my friends asking where I was" he said and finished his ice cream.

"Oh. Do they know about the engagement?" I wondered nervously "No, not yet" he responded.

"What did they want?" I asked nervously, I didn't want to seem the type of girl who is protective over her husband. Especially set that as a first impression.

"Well I told then we were here, and just told them we would meet them back at my place. If you want to join us." He said nervously, I could tell he didn't want to seem as if he was making decisions for me.

"Thats perfect." I smiled and took the last bite of my ice cream.

"Well I should probably get going I have to work later tonight." Logan excused himself.

"Alright Ill see you later Logan" I got up and hugged him.

"See you later baby cakes! Nice meeting you Zayn." Logan said and walked out of the shop.

"Shall we go." Zayn asked me.

"Yeah" I nodded and grabbed my bag walking right behind him. "Do you live far?"

"Not really. But I brought my car so we can just take that." He told me "I parked by the park" he pointed over to where his car was.

"Thats good because my legs are a bit tired" I giggled walking over to the passenger side of the car. He turned on the car and started to drive off, it was quite quiet so I suggested to turn on the radio when a song of his came on.

I figured it out
I figured it from black and white
seconds and hours
Maybe we had to take some time

The lyrics started to play

I know how it goes
I know how it goes from wrong and right
Silence and sound
Did they ever hold each other tight, like us?
Did they ever fight tight, like us?

I Immediately fell in love with this song

You and I

These certain lyrics gave me chills.

We don't want to be like them
We can make it till the end
Nothing can come between
You and I

This voice. It was different.

Not even the gods above
Can separate the two of us
No, nothing can come between
Oh, You and I

It was husky.So attractive.

I figured it out
Saw the mistakes of up and down

This voice I knew. It was Zayn.

Meet in the middle
Theres always room for common ground

His voice was so calming and warm.
It was perfect.

I turned to look at him and noticed he was mouthing along with song. I smiled and looked at him.

His face structure was so relaxed, his jaw line sharp. There was this twinkle in his eyes that made me feel butterflies in my stomach, they were just a perfect color.

And his hair was dark as night, lips were a mixture of pink and red. He was the man version of Snow White.

Its sounds funny but its the truth.

I lowered the volume to the radio and spoke up "Sing for me."



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