Attempted Escape

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Me and my new cellmates who are named Jyugo, Uno, Nico and Rock run through the halls of Nanba Prison but I stop to see Uno climb up to the camera and gives it a wink

"Do you really have to do that? I ask with a deadpanned look on my face Uno jumps down and gives a smug look "Of course rookie so if we do get out of here he'll never forget my beautiful face!" Uno tells me I roll my eyes and follow my new friends until a block gets closed down I smirk

"Well look at that trapped like rats" I say to myself with a chuckle "Oh this reminds me of the time I escaped that prison from Chicago what a good time that was" Nico says with a smile surprised I turn to look at him

"You escaped that prison too?" I ask curiously he nods as we run off to another area

"Check it out guys Hajime's gonna be pissed when he finds out we escaped" Uno says with a confident smirk but another block shuts down "Now I get it they're trying to get us back to where we started" Rock states I nods my head and chuckle "Do they really think we're that stupid?" I ask with a arrogant tone in my voice as we keep running off "They're welcome to try I can't wait to see what kind of traps they'll throw at us next" Uno says excitedly

"Yeah it doesn't matter if this place has the best security they'll never catch us" Jyugo says I nod in agreement the next cell block almost shuts down but we barley skid under it making it but Jyugo slid under it "You alright?' Rock asks his friend who responds by telling him he's fine 

Seeing as there's no traps yet I decide to take the first step but Uno grabs my shoulder "Hold on rookie" Uno says I turn to him with an annoyed look "With all the time we're wasting we could be out of here right now" I shout Uno seems to ignore my pestering and pulls out a playing card and hurls it forward only for it to be vaporized my eyes widen and I gulp nervously

"See what I mean rookie?" Uno asks me with a smirk from one of the anime's I watched when I was younger "You are like anime awesome! Like *Beep* Or *Beep and *Beep*!" Nico shouts fanboying over Uno's cool move he bends down to the ground and draws a bunch of lines with chalk "The lasers are in this pattern like so" Uno says as I smirk at him 

"No way in hell you memorized this" Jyugo tells his friend who grins "Guess it's just a hunch" Uno responds "So do you think we can trust this?" Rock asks nervously Uno grins at his cellmate as I chuckle "Since when have my instructions have ever laid us astray?" He asks that seems to get their attention as I see Uno trying to not get vaporized by the lasers which is pretty hilarious they then lift they're legs in the air and fall back down me and Jyugo walk over the path

"How are you two..." Uno asks Jyugo gives off a smug look as do I "Oh I just turned it off" Jyugo replies to his pals as they turn to see the code says unlocked Uno wraps his arm around Jyugo's neck

"Hey if you did something why not tell us?" Uno asks "Oh come on and ruin your yoga session? Where's the fun in that?" I ask my friends as they laugh at my joke but the ground shakes as we see the walls closing in on us "Oh great looks like beating that trap triggers this one" Jyugo says with disappointment in his voice I smack him upside the head

"COME ON MAN I DO NOT WANT TO BECOME THE MEAT IN THIS DAMN SANDWICH OKAY?!!" I shout at Jyugo he rubs the back of his head "Ouch man got the message" Jyugo says I then smirk "Now you got me hungry Kudan" Rock says drooling my eyes widen as I turn to Rock "YA SHOULD HAVE BROUGHT SNACKS!!!" Uno shouts as I join in "AND ALSO DIDN'T YOU EAT LIKE FIVE MINUTES BEFORE ESCAPING?!!" I shout Nico smiles as we climb up the walls and make it to the air vent as we crawl through it gas leaks through

"Watch out guys" I warn them "They're using a gas that makes you sleepy I dealt with this in a Russian prison" I explain Jyugo nods "Yeah there's no time to nap you guys" He says before kicking the air vent as we jump down Rock lands on all of us "You better watch where your landing bro!" I shout rubbing my head in pain we hear a small rumbling we turn to see a giant iron ball coming towards us

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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2020 ⏰

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