The start of a quest

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(Thank you picrew you are a lifesaver for cute pics)

Caramel took a flyer off the job board "hey Rose come check this out" she spoke softly as if she didn't want to heard by anyone else.
"Hm, yeah, what is it" Rose asked, taking a sip of her tea. She had light green hair and soft pink eyes that paired nicely with her bright smile that could cheer Caramel up anytime, at the moment she was wearing a light yellow sweatshirt and a shirt that read in all caps 'save the trees', she had her feet up on a table showing off her bright green sneakers.
"It's an escaped criminal," Caramel waved the page in front of Rose's face. Rose took the paper and read out loud "wanted, alive (preferably), Suru Lacer, for three counts of treason and running from the law." She studied the given black and white photograph of the said criminal. He had messy hair that reached his collar bone with wide eyes and a small figure with a checkered bandanna around his neck.
"Caramel I know i've said this before but, catching criminals is not going to clear your name," Rose mumbled softly. Caramel placed her hands on the table
"I know that Rose, but maybe, just maybe if the kingdom trusts me enough," she paused "they'll believe me," she whispered at last. She placed a hand on one of the wolf ears on her head a curse she thought bitterly the mark of a werewolf "and anyway," she shook herself and put her hands on Rose's shoulders. "Can't have a criminal running lose now can we," Caramel smiled her 'I'm too tired for this but I need money so I'll act friendly for now' smile.

"AND THUS AFTER A FIVE HOUR TRAIN RIDE WE HAVE ARIVED," Rose boomed as they got off the train.
"Please, shut up," Caramel retorted holding a coffee-to-go and wearing a black baggy 'don't talk to me' hoodie with the hood up covering her wolf ears and half her face. "Some people have sensitive ears," she added rubbing said ears. Rose stared her down, shrugged, and ran over to a get a map of the city and a brochure.
"The town of Briar, huh, the town is named after a common type of rose that grows in mass amounts here. Some people even go as far to say it's a weed, however it does make the town smell nice..."Rose rambled off
"ANYWHO" Caramel yelled a bit too loudly causing a few citizens to shuffle away "let's ask the locals if they know the whereabouts of this 'Suru' guy," Caramel mumbled quietly now that she had drawn attention to herself. They made their way over to a mother and her child, the child was pointing at something, a toy most likely, through the glass of a store while excitedly trying to get her mother to buy it.
"Hey do you know where we can fin-," Rose began, however the woman took one look at them, picked up her child, and left muttering 'probably the from the kingdom, don't even know about their own town.'
"THAT WAS RUDE," Rose yelled after her "sheesh, what's with her."
Next they stopped in front of an old short man who simply spat on Caramel's shoe and hobbled away. A similar result happened with every person they tried to talk to. "This is gonna take a bit longer than expected isn't it," Caramel muttered tiredly.

"WOULD YOU TAKE A LOOK AT THIS," Suru yelled excitedly waving a newspaper around, his cat, Fisher, following him around like a dog, "THESE FAIRY TAIL WIZARDS ARE CRAZY" he sat down on a nearby bench smiling like a child, rereading the paper. "Look look look," he waved down the old man that had spoken to Caramel and Rose, "it says that Salamander destroyed another building while taking down a monster," he said showing off the paper, in that time Fisher had climbed up on his shoulder and was now trying to burrow into his hood. The man smiled warmly at Suru, patted him on the back, and told him he should join the destructive guild. Suru grinned wildly at this and nodded his head so quickly it was a surprise it didn't fall off. The elder ruffled Suru's hair and hobbled off, to see his grandchildren most likely Suru thought fondly.

"Caramel my feet hurt," Rose complained, "we've been walking for forever," Caramel told her to shut up however before she could finish her sentence she bumped into a guy walking, the boy stopped, flashed them an awkward smile, said sorry for knocking into them, and asked Caramel if she was ok.
"I'm fine thank you" Caramel muttered crossing her arms now getting a better look at the clumsy boy. He had big blue eyes with slitted pupils similar to that of cat's, he wore his light brown hair in ponytail, with a grey striped cat on his shoulder, batting it around.Around his neck was a checkered blue and white bandanna. Wait checkered bandanna? Caramel thought after a moment, she turned to Rose "give me the job page," she hissed in a low voice reaching for Rose's backpack.
"What? Why do you need it," Rose asked, pulling a blue backpack off her shoulder.
"'Cause I think this is the guy we're looking for," Caramel snatched the backpack away and dig through it until she pulled out a rumpled sheet of paper and comparing the photo of Suru to the boy in front of her. "Oh, come on Caramel he has a cat how bad could he be," Rose mumbled to the werewolf, to which Caramel said "very bad" and continued to compare the two. The boy brushed Caramel's hand away, "there's no need for that when you could just ask you know," he said with a grin revealing cat-like teeth.
"Fine then, who are you," Caramel growled at him.
He bowed to her like a knight would "Suru Lacer, how May I help you."

(Edit: a few word mistakes in that last paragraph, oops)

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